This book investigates why Austrian economists fail to apply the spontaneous order framework to cooperative relationships – such as a dynamic and evolving public sector – that might complement a thriving market. In direct response to Israel Kirzner’s
The Driving Force of the Market, Nell challenges traditional Austrian economics by proposing ‘democratic process theory’ as a parallel to market process theory, highlighting the possibilities for an economic organization that harnesses the power of transparent and effective democracy. Keeping in mind the central problems experienced in socialist and capitalist countries due to self-interested political and economic actors,
The Driving Force of the Collective highlights the public sector advantages of allowing culture and institutions to evolve endogenously as a spontaneous public sector order.
Tabla de materias
1. Collaborative Discovery and the Conversive Democratic Process: A Post-Austrian Approach.- 2. The Individualist Subjectivism of Austrian Economics.- 3. Subjectivism, Freedom, and Social-Interest.- 4. The Limits of Democracy: The Real and the Imagined.- 5. The Ethics of Competition and Cooperation.- 6. Some Ethical Insights on the Nature of Profits.-7. Coordination and Collaboration: Agreement as a Criterion for Democratic Goodness.- 8. Reflections on the Misesian Legacy of Hyper-Individualism.- 9. Knowledge and the Austrian Understanding of the Democratic System.- 10. Culture, Hayek, and the idea of Plan-Coordination.- 11. Conversation and the Democratic Process: Some Doctrinal Touchstones.- 12. The Driving Force of the Collective: The Idea of “Conversation” in Contemporary Economic Theory and in the Post-Austrian Theory of the Democratic Process.- 13. Misallocation and/or Misunderstood: A Reconsideration of the Misesian Calculation Problem.- 14. Society, the Collective, and Economic ‘Imperialism’.
Sobre el autor
Guinevere Liberty Nell studied and published in Austrian economics and Soviet history, and worked as a programmer and as a tax policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. before earning a Master’s Degree in Soviet economic history from the University of Warwick, UK. She is the author of
Rediscovering Fire: Basic Economic Lessons from the Soviet Experiment and
Spontaneous Order and The Utopian Collective, and editor of three essay collections that push the boundaries of Austrian economics.