Harry Houdini. Budapest, 1874 – Detroit, 1926
Para ayudar en el sustento de su familia, Houdini se subió por primera vez a un escenario a los nueve años actuando como trapecista. Después de trasladarse a Nueva York, a los doce años empezó a interesarse por la magia, pero su gran oportunidad llegó en 1899, cuando se le ofreció un contrato para actuar en los mejores escenarios de vodevil de Estados Unidos. Houdini, por entonces ya conocido como el «Rey de las Esposas», viajó por toda Europa durante cinco años, y a su regreso a EE.UU. comenzó a ejecutar los desafiantes y peligrosos retos que lo convertirían en uno de los hombres más famosos del mundo, y también en una de las más populares estrellas del cine incipiente.
Publicó The Right Way to Do Wrong en 1906 y fue editor de la revista Conjurer»s Monthly Magazine (1906-1907). Su célebre consagración a desenmascarar espiritistas, le llevo a mantener una intensa polémica pública con Arthur Conan Doyle, gran defensor y creyente de estas prácticas. En 1926, tras una actuación, un admirador que había pasado a visitarle al camerino golpeó a un desprevenido Houdini en el estómago para poner a prueba su famoso control muscular. El golpe le rompió el apéndice, y tras sufrir una peritonitis, murió a los 52 años.
29 Ebooks de Harry Houdini
Harry Houdini: Harry Houdini’s Paper Magic
Aspiring illusionists can learn from one of the world’s greatest magicians with this facsimile of a 1922 book by Harry Houdini. The master sleight-of-hand artist explains how to use the simplest of p …
Harry Houdini: Right Way to Do Wrong
With this remarkable book, the legendary magician conducts a master class in crime by revealing the trade secrets of crooks. Harry Houdini is known not only as an illusionist and escaper of handcuffs …
Harry Houdini: Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
The infamous Harry Houdini (born Erik Weisz) arrived in the United States from Hungary in 1878 with his mother and four brothers, joining their father in Appleton, Wisconsin, where he served as Rabbi …
Harry Houdini: The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé
The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé by Harry Houdini libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular t …
Harry Houdini: Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
‘All wonder, ‘ said Samuel Johnson, ‘is the effect of novelty on ignorance.’ Yet we are so created that without something to wonder at we should find life scarcely worth living. That fact does not ma …
Harry Houdini: Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
A Complete Expose’ Of The Modus Operandi Of Fire Eaters, Heat Resisters, Poison Eaters, Venomous Reptile Defiers, Sword Swallowers, Human Ostriches, Strong Men, Etc. Harry Houdini was a Hungarian esc …
Harry Houdini: Il mago e la strega
Una straordinaria inchiesta sull’occultodalla penna del più grande mago della storia Questo volume raccoglie una serie di documenti ineditiper l’Italia. Il libro che Houdini scrisse per raccontare la …
Harry Houdini: Secrets And Mysteries Now Revealed For The First Time
This vintage book contains a ‘complete guide and reliable authority upon all magic tricks’ by none other, than the great Harry Houdini. Within in the pages of this book are clear, step-by-step explan …
Harry Houdini: The Right Way to do Wrong – An Expose of Successful Criminals
Originally published in 1906, this volume contains a wealth of information on the methods and history of various criminal art forms such as pick-pocketing, burglary, confidence tricksters and much mo …
Harry Houdini: The Adventurous Life of a Versatile Artist: Houdini
If he were alive today, Houdini would be the king of reality TV. This autobiography, consisting mostly of newspaper accounts and photos of his various feats, was first published in 1900. This is the …
Harry Houdini: Miracle Mongers And Their Methods
Harry Houdini. Legend. Showman. Houdini’s exploits and tricks of escapology are known the world over. What he accomplished still baffles the mind. We know what we see or what we think we see and can …
Harry Houdini: Miracle Mongers, an Expose
pub One.info thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. "All wonder, " said Samuel Johnson, "is the effect of novelty on ignorance. " Yet we ar …
Harry Houdini: Houdini’s Paper Magic
Is it true that a magician never reveals his secrets? In this rare 1922 gem, master illusionist Harry Houdini may not explain how to make an elephant disappear or how to perform fantastic acts …
Harry Houdini: Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
‘All wonder, ‘ said Samuel Johnson, ‘is the effect of novelty on ignorance.’ Yet we are so created that without something to wonder at we should find life scarcely worth living. That fact does not ma …
Harry Houdini: Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
In ‘Miracle Mongers and Their Methods, ‘ Harry Houdini explores the fascinating world of illusion and deception, revealing the techniques employed by various performers who claim to perform miraculou …
Harry Houdini: Cómo hacer bien el mal
Publicado por primera vez en 1906, Cómo hacer bien el mal es una clase magistral sobre la subversión impartida por uno de los personajes más reconocidos y misteriosos del siglo XX. En la obra, Houdin …
Harry Houdini & Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
In ‘Imprisoned with the Pharaohs, ‘ readers are invited to explore the extraordinary conjunction of illusion and the supernatural through a collection of narratives that embody mysticism and adventur …
Harry Houdini: A Magician Among the Spirits
In ‘A Magician Among the Spirits, ‘ Harry Houdini deftly intertwines the art of illusion with an incisive exploration of spiritualism during the early 20th century. With a distinctive literary style …
Harry Houdini & H. P. Lovecraft: Imprisoned with the Pharaohs
Imprisoned with the Pharaohs tells the story in the first-person perspective of an allegedly true experience of escape artist Harry Houdini. Set in 1910, in Egypt, Houdini finds himself kidnapped by …
Harry Houdini: On Deception
Throughout his life, the world’s most famous escapologist strove to expose the methods and tricks of illusionists and sham spiritualists. Studying entertainers and criminals alike, Houdini investigat …
Harry Houdini: Weird Tales: Best of the Early Years 1923-25
Thirteen tales of terror—from the macabre and morbid to unexplainable stories of the occult—from such authors as Harry Houdini, H. P. Lovecraft, and others. First hitting newsstand …
Harry Houdini: A Magician Among the Spirits
In ‘A Magician Among the Spirits, ‘ Harry Houdini deftly intertwines the realms of illusion and the supernatural, illuminating his complex relationship with spiritualism in the early 20th century. Wr …
Harry Houdini: A Magician Among the Spirits
This is a book about spiritualism written by a self-professed sceptic. In the opening sentence of his preface, Houdini says, ‘ Gladly would I embrace Spiritualism if it could prove its claims, but I …
Harry Houdini: The Complete Works of Harry Houdini
The Complete Works of Harry Houdini This Complete Collection includes the following titles: ——– 1 – The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin 2 – The Miracle Mongers, an Exposé 3 – The Adventurous Life of …
Harry Houdini: Right Way to do Wrong – An Expose of Successful Criminals
In "The Right Way to Do Wrong: An Expose of Successful Criminals, " the legendary magician and escape artist Harry Houdini offers a fascinating and eye-opening exploration into the world of …
Harry Houdini: Ein Magier unter den Geistern
In ‘Ein Magier unter den Geistern’ entfaltet Harry Houdini eine fesselnde Untersuchung des Spiritismus und der Praktiken selbsternannter Medien seiner Zeit. Mit einem akribischen Blick für Detail und …
Harry Houdini: Um Mágico Entre Os Espíritos
Livro revelador de Harry Houdini que investigou todos os médiuns famosos de seu tempo, revelando seus truques e engodos, além de toda a farsa por trás das manifestações espíritas.É um trabalho de déc …