Autor: Ilai Alon

Dr. Ilai Alon is a retired associate professor at Tel Aviv University»s departmet of philosophy. Education at the Hebrew University and Oxford University, Wolfosn College (1968-1970.) The major topics – (1) Arabic language and literature; (2) Philosophy. He served as a visiting researcher at Stanford University, and as a visiting professor at Princeton, Harvard, Lehigh (Pennsylvania, ) Carlton (Ottawa.)  Dr. Daniel Bar-Tal is Branco Weiss Professor of Research in Child Development and Education at the School of Education, Tel Aviv University. His research interest is in political and social psychology studying socio-psychological foundations of intractable conflicts and peace building, as well as development of political understanding among children and peace education.

1 Ebooks de Ilai Alon

Ilai Alon & Daniel Bar-Tal: The Role of Trust in Conflict Resolution
Built on the premise that trust is one of the most important factors in intergroup relations, conflict management and resolution at large, this volume explores trust and its mechanisms and operations …