For the first time, leading scholars in Religious Education and Citizenship Education reflect upon ‘the making of’ of their theoretical framework, in honour of Siebren Miedema. In this Liber Amicorum, in retrospect these scholars recognize, implicitly or more explicitly, ‘critical incidents’ and they honour ‘critical persons’ for the decisive voice each of them had in the articulation of the theoretical frame of reference the scholars developed in the field of pedagogy of religion(s) and citizenship education. Or, to use the words Siebren Miedema prefers, the field of religious citizenship education. The ‘eminence grise’ in the field of Pedagogy is brought together in this volume, like John Hull, Bob Jackson and Wolfram Weisse; scholars from the United States of America like Jack Seymour and Mary Elizabeth Moore; scholars from Latin America like Günther Dietz; scholars from the Netherlands like Cok Bakker, Chris Hermans, Henk Kuindersma, Alma Lanser, Wilna Meijer, Bram de Muynck and Doret de Ruyter; scholars from Western Europe like Hans-Günther Heimbrock and Friedrich Schweitzer; scholars from Eastern Europe like Fedor Kozyrev; scholars from up North like Geir Skeie; scholars from down South like Cornelia Roux and Marian De Souza. They all responded to the question of the editor, Ina ter Avest, to reflect upon the relationship between their biography and their developed theoretical framework. For everybody interested in the field of religious citizenship education, this volume offers a thorough introduction to their theories. We hope this comprehensive book will provoke readers to balance on the edge of different perspectives and to stimulate the development of their own line of thought on religious citizenship education.
Tabla de materias
Foreword; 1. On the Edge: A Biographical Approach to Pedagogical Theory Development. The ‘making of’ Pedagogical Theories on Religious Education and Citizenship Education; 2. The Real Talks: On the Ambition to Deconstruct and Reconstruct Teachers’ Identity Claims; 3. The Challenge of Double Reflexivity, Ethnographic Methodology in Intercultural Education; 4. My Personal Contexts: Learning Religion in Context; 5. Religion as a Special World of Meaning Set Apart: On Imagination, Experiences and Practices of the Non-Cognitive; 6. Religious Education and the Arts of Interpretation Revisited; 7. Religion as a Gift: A Pedagogical Approach to RE in St. Petersburg; 8. Innovation of Religious Education: Innovation of RE in Primary Education as a Lifelong Challenge; 9. Doing and Undergoing: Learning to Believe as Algorithm and as Heuristic; 10. Reason and Religion: A Lifetime Curriculum; 11. Conversation that Matters: Life Transforming Dialogue; 12. Jonah Was My Religious Teacher: The Paradoxical Character of the Gospel Challenges a Transformative and Transmission Pedagogical Approach to Go Hand in Hand; 13. Conflict or Cohesion? A Critical Discourse on Religion in Education (Ri E) and Religion and Education (Ra E); 14. The Best and the Worst That Has Been Said and Done: Teaching Religious Ideals in Religious Education; 15. Religious Education, Identity and Faith in (Post-)Modernity: More Than a Biographical Approach? A Personal Attempt CF8at Finding the Red Thread in My Academic Work on Religious Education; 16. Religious Education among Friends and Strangers: Contributions of Revisionist Educational History to Public Living; 17. In Search of a Religious Education Approach; 18. Responding to Pluralism and Globalization in Religious Education: Implications for Curriculum and Pedagogy; 19. Interreligious Dialogue: Contextual and Mutual Learning.