Inge Arteel is Associate Professor of German Literature at the Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel Lars Bernaerts is Associate Professor of Dutch Literature at the Department of Literary Studies of Ghent University Siebe Bluijs is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication and Cognition of Tilburg University Pim Verhulst is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Teaching Assistant at the Department of English Literature of the University of Antwerp
6 Ebooks de Inge Arteel
Inge Arteel & Eleonore De Felip: Fragen zum Lyrischen in Friederike Mayröckers Poesie
Friederike Mayröcker zählt zu den herausragenden lyrischen Stimmen der Gegenwart. Der vorliegende Band bietet Annäherungen an ihr lyrisches Werk. Entstanden im Laufe von mehr als 70 Schaffensjah …
Inge Arteel & Lars Bernaerts: Tuning in to the neo-avant-garde
Bringing together an international and diverse group of scholars, Tuning in to the neo-avant-garde offers the first in-depth study of the radio medium’s significance as a site of artistic experimenta …
Inge Arteel & Silke Felber: Susanne Kennedy
For several years, Susanne Kennedy has been prominently present as a director on the German speaking stage. Her radical adaptations of canonical plays and popular films and her own creations of profo …
Inge Arteel & Silke Felber: Susanne Kennedy
For several years, Susanne Kennedy has been prominently present as a director on the German speaking stage. Her radical adaptations of canonical plays and popular films and her own creations of profo …
Inge Arteel & Lars Bernaerts: Tuning in to the neo-avant-garde
Bringing together an international and diverse group of scholars, Tuning in to the neo-avant-garde offers the first in-depth study of the radio medium’s significance as a site of artistic experimenta …
Alexandra Strohmaier & Inge Arteel: Mayröcker-Handbuch
Dieses Handbuch stellt das erste Nachschlagewerk zur Weltliteratin Friederike Mayröcker dar, die in ihrer enormen Produktivität ein nahezu unüberschaubares Œuvre vorgelegt hat. Ihr oft als komplex ch …