Rebekah Willett is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. She has previously published
Video Cultures: Media Technology and Everyday Creativity.
Chris Richards is a Senior Lecturer in Media Arts Education at the Institute of Education, London, UK. His most recent book is
Young People, Popular Culture and Education.
Jackie Marsh is Professor of Education at the University of Sheffield, UK. She is co-editor of
Play, Creativity and Digital Cultures.
Andrew Burn is Professor of Media Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. He has previously published
Making New Media: Creative Production and Digital Literacies.
Julia Bishop is a Researcher at the University of Sheffield and the University of Aberdeen, UK. Her most recent book is The New Penguin Book of English Folk Songs.
3 Ebooks de J. C. Bishop
J. C. Bishop & J. Lochhead: Thinking
First published in 1987. Toward the end of August 1984, when most people were enjoying the last beaches and breezes of summer holidays, over 700 people gathered from all parts of the world at the Har …
J. C. Bishop & J. Lochhead: Thinking
First published in 1987. Toward the end of August 1984, when most people were enjoying the last beaches and breezes of summer holidays, over 700 people gathered from all parts of the world at the Har …
R. Willett & C. Richards: Children, Media and Playground Cultures
Drawing on ethnographic accounts of children’s media-referenced play, this book explores children’s engagement with media cultures and playground experiences, analyzing a range of issues such as lear …