Through a unique collection of essays drawn from rich case studies, Authoritarianism in the Middle East provides important insights into the ongoing instabilities of the Middle East, and the authoritarianism and democratisation processes that have led to dramatic socio-political transformations.
Tabla de materias
1. The Roots of Authoritarianism in the Middle East; Selin M. Bölme 2. Authoritarian Tendencies Versus Democratisation: Evidence from Turkey; Jülide Karakoç 3. The Arab World Between 2010 and 2014: From Revolutionary Configurations to the State of Violence; Hamit Bozarslan 4. A Long Road Ahead for Achieving Fully Fledged Equality: Saudi Women’s Right Activism; Fulya Do?ruel 5. The Impact of the Arab Uprisings on the Kurds; Turan Keskin 6. The AKP and its Women Policy in the Re-establishment Process of Authoritativeness in Turkey; Zehra Y?lmaz 7. A Comparative Analysis of the Post-Arab Uprisings Period in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya; Jülide Karakoç
Sobre el autor
Jülide Karakoç is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, Gedik University, Istanbul. She received a MA in International Relations from Galatasaray University, and a Ph D from Ankara University. Carrying out her postdoctoral research at Montreal University, she has authored scholarly articles in Middle Eastern Studies, Critique and Ethnic and Racial Studies.