AMNON H. EDEN, Ph D, is a computer scientist with the School
of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of
Essex and a research fellow at the Center for Inquiry. Dr. Eden has
worked as a programmer and consultant to leading software
companies, chaired the Software Engineering Diploma Programme at
the Tel Aviv College of Management, and served as the associate
editor of Minds and Machines. His publications include an entry in
the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and articles in
leading software engineering journals.
JONATHAN NICHOLSON, Ph D, earned his doctorate from the
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the
University of Essex under the co-supervision of Prof. Raymond
Turner and Dr. Eden. His research centres on object-oriented
design, with a focus on the development and implementation of the
logic underlying the language of Codecharts.
3 Ebooks de J. Nicholson
Amnon H. Eden & J. Nicholson: Codecharts
NEW LANGUAGE VISUALIZES PROGRAM ABSTRACTIONS CLEARLY AND PRECISELY Popular software modelling notations visualize implementation minutiae but fail to scale, to capture design abstractions, and to del …
J. Nicholson: Scientific AIDS in Hospital Diagnosis
This volume contains the Proceedings of a Conference on Scientific Aids in Hospital Diagnosis held at Oxford in April 1975. The Conference, organised on inter-disciplinary lines, was the fourth to be …