J. Richard Aronson is the William L. Clayton Professor of Business and Economics at Lehigh University and Honorary Professor of Economics at the University of York (UK). He served as a Fulbright Research Scholar at the University of York in both 1978 and 1996. Professor Aronson is also the Director of Lehigh’s Martindale Center ofr the Study of Private Enterprise and a member of the Employee Retirement Study Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Finally, he is co-editor with Eli Schartz of Management Polices in Local Government Finance for the International City Management Association, now in its fifth edition.
Harriet L. Parmet is Professor Emerita in the Department of Modern Languages and Literature at Lehigh University, where she has taught Hebrew since 1976. She specializes in modern Jewish literature, particularly the work of American Jewish women writers and such personalities as Penina Moise, Rebecca Gratz, and Haviva Reik. She has lectured widely in the Lehigh Valley. Co-founder of the Jewish Colloquia Series, Parmet’s work has appeared in journals such as Midstream, Journal for Feminist Studies in Religion, Shofar, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Feminist Teacher, Delos, Judaism, and Jewish Spectator. She is the author of The Terror of Our Days: Four American Poets Respond to the Holocaust.
Robert J. Thornton is Mac Farlane Professor of Economics at Lehigh University. His areas of research include labor market discrimination, unions and collective bargaining, occupational licensing, and forensic economics. He has written or edited many books and collective volumes, most recently Fundamentals of Labor Economics (2005, with Thomas Hyclak and Geraint Johnes) and Developments in Litigation Economics (with Patrick Gaugan). He is also the author of numerous articles which have appeard in such as the Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Human Resources, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, and the Journal of Economic Perspectives. He has also written the Lexicon of Intentionally Ambiguous Recommendations (Barnes and Noble Books, 2005).
8 Ebooks de J. Richard Aronson
J. Richard Aronson & Harriet L. Parmet: Variations in Economic Analysis
For over fifty years, Eli Schwartz has inspired generations of economists through his prolific publications and dedicated in teaching. In 2008, the Martindale Center for the Study of Private Enterpri …
Jonathan Batten & Peter G. Szilagyi: Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Emerging Financial Markets
The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 has highlighted the resilience of the financial markets and broader economies from the developing world. This outcome owes much to the bitter experience and e …
J. Richard Aronson & Eli Schwartz: Economic Growth Controversy
Is economic growth desirable? Possible? Necessary? The distinguished social scientists represented in this collection give conflicting answers, resulting in a lively debate on the costs and benefits …
J. Richard Aronson & Eli Schwartz: Economic Growth Controversy
Is economic growth desirable? Possible? Necessary? The distinguished social scientists represented in this collection give conflicting answers, resulting in a lively debate on the costs and benefits …
Jonathan Batten & Niklas F. Wagner: Derivatives Pricing and Modeling
This edited volume will highlight recent research in derivatives modelling and markets in a post-crisis world across a number of dimensions or themes. The book addresses the following main areas: der …
Fouad H. Beseiso: Developing Role of Islamic Banking and Finance
This volume is designed to present a conceptual and practical illustration for the contemporary developing role of Islamic Banking and Finance components including Islamic Banking, Non Islamic Bankin …
Frank Bezzina & Simon Grima: Contemporary Issues in Bank Financial Management
Contemporary Issues in Financial Services special edition includes studies by the University of Malta, MSc Banking and Finance graduates and the respective lecturers, on financial services within par …
J. Richard Aronson & John L. Hilley: Financing State and Local Governments
State and local governments are at a financial crossroads. As the federal government attempts to reduce its deficits, state governments will have to provide a greater share of support for mandatory s …