A joining ranches located in a high valley of the Teton Mountains challenge owners Jedediah Berg and Zackary Waterman with heavy snow, high winds and rustlers causing subsequent accidents and loss of livestock. Up-to-date equipment, top notch ranch hands, and hard work overcome these problems resulting in successful operation of Jed’s Bar B and Zac’s Circle W ranches. Jed and Zac retrace their steps and renew romances with their college sweethearts, and make acquaintance of Debbie Hawks who helps solve the murder of Zac’s ranch hand while on a trip to Kansas City, Kansas.
Sobre el autor
James Berger is a retired 85-year-old Engineer Manager who loves writing, woodworking, photography, cars, and fly fishing. James grew up on a ranch in Teton Valley, Idaho where he was helping his father with ranch work by age 11. He operated a tractor to prepare soil for planting oats to feed his horse and livestock on the ranch. He used a tractor to mow hay and helping to gather, bale and stack it. During his lifetime he witnessed the transition from horse to tractor power on farms and ranches. James has been a photographer for all his adult life acquiring photographs of his family and the outdoors in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. His favorite pastime since retirement in 1997 is to photograph and Teton Mountain Range over their entirety. He markets some photographs but places family and friends ahead of paying customers. James spent 39 years working as an engineer/manager in the Nuclear Industry writing and publishing over 18 technical papers for publication and presentation at Professional Society Meetings. He traveled to England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, and Germany for presentation of the papers. His technical writing includes books, documents and reports. His wife, Blythe, retired middle school teacher helped James make the transition from technical to historical fiction. She also edits his books. At the early age James started writing about his experiences growing up in Teton Valley, Idaho. His writings included histories and travel logs shared with his family and friends.