Autor: James Manktelow

JAMES MANKTELOW is founder and CEO of Mind He has written, edited, and contributed to more than 1, 000 articles, more than sixty workbooks, and seven books and e-books on management and leadership, including Manage Your Time and Manage Stress. JULIAN BIRKINSHAW is professor of strategy and entrepreneurship, deputy dean for programs, and academic director of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the London Business School. He is the author of fourteen books, including Fast/Forward, Becoming a Better Boss, and Reinventing Management.

3 Ebooks de James Manktelow

James Manktelow & Julian Birkinshaw: Mind Tools for Managers
The manager’s must-have guide to excelling in all aspects of the job Mind Tools for Managers helps new and experienced leaders develop the skills they need to be more effective in everything they do. …
James Manktelow & Julian Birkinshaw: Mind Tools for Managers
The manager’s must-have guide to excelling in all aspects of the job Mind Tools for Managers helps new and experienced leaders develop the skills they need to be more effective in everything they do. …
James Manktelow: Zeitmanagement
Jeder kennt das: Immer mehr Aufgaben sollen in kürzerer Zeit erledigt werden. Ohne den Einsatz von Zeitmanagement-Tools kommt man dabei schnell ins Schleudern. Das Buch stellt die wichtigsten Technik …