Weare entering an especially prolific era in reporting and publishing clinical experiences with cardiac valve replacement. A voluminous litera- ture on this subject is already in existence, emanating from clinicians, surgeons, bioengineers, and other scientists. Additionally, information presented at heart valve symposia in the form of bound collections reaches the shelves of the medical book stores every year. This activity reflects the dynamic state of cardiac valve technology, ...
Weare entering an especially prolific era in reporting and publishing clinical experiences with cardiac valve replacement. A voluminous litera- ture on this subject is already in existence, emanating from clinicians, surgeons, bioengineers, and other scientists. Additionally, information presented at heart valve symposia in the form of bound collections reaches the shelves of the medical book stores every year. This activity reflects the dynamic state of cardiac valve technology, highlighted by the introduction each year of new valve designs that often utilize new materials. As a result, the authors recognized the need to update their book The Pacemaker and Valve Identification Guide, separating the contents into two volumes dealing with pacemakers* and cardiac valve technology. For this Guide to Prosthetic Cardiac Valves, we have gathered a group of recognized authorities in the field, all of whom have contributed in- depth analysis in their areas of expertise. New material dealing with the preoperative and postoperative care ofthe heart valve patient, pathol- ogy of cardiac valves, bioengineering problems of cardiac valve technol- ogy, and separate chapters on valve implantation in children and ultra- sonography have been added. Chapter 3, "The Radiology of Prosthetic Heart Valves, " we feel will be particularly helpful to the physician in identifying a prosthetic valve and revealing the most likely complica- tions. Chapter 10 is an atlas with descriptions to supply the reader with the essential features of the various prostheses when he or she is faced with a new patient bearing an implanted cardiac valve.