Follow the clues to find your treasure. What is the treasure? It is personal growth that may lead to more self-confidence. Treasure Hunt Your City is a self-help workbook that guides readers through new experiences. You may have heard the saying, ‘knowledge is power’. For confidence, knowledge is the key. In todays modern times, we tend to take the short cut to get what we need, and that is great some days. What is does though is cause a reduction in unique experiences, which over time, diminishes our confidence. In order to build confidence, we need to have the belief that we can handle a situation. The problem? With so many easy and/or electronic ways to get information, people start to forget basic human experiences.
Follow Treasure Hunt Your City’s twelve clues to find new experiences. You may see that there are many opportunities for adventure you are missing. The benefit, at the end, hopefully you will find that you have learned information about yourself; your likes and dislikes. And that you have found you can adapt to new situations, which ultimately can make you feel more self-confident.
Happy treasure hunting.
Sobre el autor
Jennifer Erickson, Ph.D, is a Health Psychologist specializing in Anxiety and Panic Disorders. Jennifer uses a Solution-Focused approach to helping people create change in their life. One of the most important changes she helps with is building self-confidence. Over the years, Jennifer has encouraged people to try new experience so build their knowledge, aiding in the growth of self-confidence.