We know that teachers make a profound difference in the lives of students and are the single most important school-related influence on student achievement. When it comes to teacher selection, district and building-level administrators are challenged to predict what kind of teacher a candidate will be, based on information collected through an application and one or two interviews. In this book, James H. Stronge and Jennifer L. Hindman explain how to take the guesswork out of hiri...
We know that teachers make a profound difference in the lives of students and are the single most important school-related influence on student achievement. When it comes to teacher selection, district and building-level administrators are challenged to predict what kind of teacher a candidate will be, based on information collected through an application and one or two interviews. In this book, James H. Stronge and Jennifer L. Hindman explain how to take the guesswork out of hiring decisions. Their Teacher Quality Index (TQI) is a structured, research-based interview protocol built on the quality indicators explored in Stronge’s best-selling Qualities of Effective Teachers. Here, educators with hiring responsibilities will find interview questions that reveal what they most need to know about teacher candidates and question-specific, descriptive rubrics that support consistent evaluation of candidates’ responses. The Teacher Quality Index is the easiest, most reliable way to see that new hires possess both the personal qualities of effective teachers and the requisite proficiencies in classroom management, instructional planning and delivery, and the monitoring of student progress and potential. An accompanying CD-ROM provides forms and scoring rubrics for both screening interviews and building-based interviews. The question sets are presented in multiple configurations: variations for experienced and novice teachers as well as "interviewer’s choice" formats, which allow for additional customization. Protocol guidelines, succinct discussions of underlying research, and response-rating exercises ensure readers will come away with the rationale, know-how, and tools to implement this teacher-selection process and, ultimately, increase the overall effectiveness of their teaching staff. James H. Stronge is Heritage Profession in the Education Policy, Planning, and Leadership Area at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. He has worked with numerous school districts, as well as state and national organizations, to develop evaluation systems for educators. Jennifer L. Hindman is an education consultant whose work focuses on teacher effectiveness, educator performance evaluation, and teacher selection.