Autor: Jeremiah Burroughs

Jeremiah Burroughs (o Burroughes) fue bautizado en 1601 y admitido como pensionista en el Emmanuel College, Cambridge, en 1617. Se graduó con un título de Bachiller de  Artes en 1621 y una Maestría en Artes en 1624. En el último período de 1640 a su muerte en 1646, Burroughs logro  un gran reconocimiento como predicador popular y un líder puritano de Londres. Regresó a Inglaterra durante el período de la Commonwealth y se convirtió en pastor de dos de las más grandes congregaciones en Londres: Stepney y  St. Giles, Cripplegate.  En Stepney, predicó temprano en la mañana y llegó a ser conocido como  «la estrella de la mañana de Stepney.»  Él fue invitado a predicar ante la Cámara de los Comunes y la Cámara de los Lores en varias ocasiones. Thomas Brooks lo llamó «un príncipe de los predicadores». Burroughs perseguio la paz hasta el final. Murió en 1646, dos semanas después de una caída de su caballo. El último tema sobre el cual predico se convirtió en su Irenicum a los amantes de la Verdad y la Paz, un intento de sanar las divisiones entre los creyentes. Burroughs fue un escritor prolífico, muy estimado por los líderes Puritanos de la época, algunos de ellos publicaron sus escritos después de su muerte. Casi todos sus libros son recopilaciones de sermones.

15 Ebooks de Jeremiah Burroughs

Jeremiah Burroughs: Moses His Choice
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. Nor to fitch …
Jeremiah Burroughs: Exposition of the Prophecy of Hosea
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The author was …
Jeremiah Burroughs: El contentamiento cristiano… Una joya rara
Todos quisiéramos ser felices, pero no nos es fácil lograrlo. El problema es que creemos que solo obteniendo más de lo que este mundo nos ofrece, podemos tener la felicidad. El apóstol Pablo tenía …
Jeremiah Burroughs: The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
The worthie Man, especially in his latter times, was surrounded (through Gods blessing on him) with a verry great confluence of what might give forth Contentment to a vast spirit of his Rank and Call …
Jeremiah Burroughs: Moses: His Choice
Having finished Moses his Self-Denial, namely, what he refused, together with the circumstance of time, and the principle by which he was enabled thereunto: Now what it was that he chose, we are to c …
Jeremiah Burroughs: The Difference Between the Spots of the Godly and of the Wicked
Here thou hast before thine eyes a little Manuel, taken by a Dextrous Baruch, from the mouth of Jeremiah. By it, as Abel, though dead, he speaketh; and albeit the Carkass of the dead Lyon lyeth rotti …
Jeremiah Burroughs: Causes, Evils, and Cures of Heart and Church Divisions
ADVERTISEMENT OUR, Discipline recommends (Part i, ch. iv, § 16) “a serious perusal of the ‘Causes, Evils, and Cures of Heart and Church Divisions.’ “The work has long been out of print, so that t …
Jeremiah Burroughs: Irenicum
Whether the fiery tryall of contention, or of persecution be greater, is hard to determine; God hath wrought for us to free us from the one, we have brought upon our selves the other. Every man is an …
Jeremiah Burroughs: The Saints’ Happiness
To the Christian Reader, Although all men desire happiness, and nothing be more needful to be known, yet great are the mistakes of men thereabout. Its not in sensuall pleasures, it so, Dives had …
Thomas Adams & Richard Alleine: Dia a dia com os puritanos ingleses
Coisas maravilhosas!’ Foi o que disse, extasiado, o egiptólogo Howard Carter, quando seus colegas lhe perguntaram o que a luz da chama que ele apontava ao redor da recém-descoberta tumba do rei …
Jeremiah Burroughs: The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
What does it mean to live contentedly before God? In The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, beloved English Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs presents a biblical framework for answering this enduri …
Jeremiah Burroughs: The Saint’s Treasury
Updated to Modern English ‘ The Saint’s Treasury ‘ by Jeremiah Burroughs is a deeply insightful theological work that comprises a series of sermons. Each sermon addresses a distinct spiritual the …
Jeremiah Burroughs: Exposition of the Beatitudes
‘Exposition of the Beatitudes’ is a thought-provoking book that challenges common misconceptions about happiness. Jeremiah Burroughs, with deep theological insight, exposes the fallacies of seeking f …
Jeremiah Burroughs: Gospel Fear
Updated to Modern English ‘Gospel Fear: The Heart Trembling at the Word of God’ by Jeremiah Burroughs is a profound exploration of the Christian life that emphasizes the significance of revering …
Jeremiah Burroughs: Il gioiello raro della contentezza cristiana
Jeremiah Burroughs considera il tesoro della contentezza un gioiello raro. Tanti credenti non sono disposti a investire il loro tempo e applicarsi con la disciplina necessaria per trovare questo …