You may not believe that there’s a fun and easy way to comply
with Sarbanes -Oxley, but once you have Sarbanes-Oxley For
Dummies, Second Edition in front of you, you’re sure to
change your mind. This friendly guide gets you quickly up to speed
with the latest SOX legislation and shows you safe and effective
ways to reduce compliance costs.
In plain English, this completely reliable handbook walks you
through the new and revised SOX laws, introduces compliance
strategies fo...
Tabla de materias
Introduction 1
Part I: The Scene Before and After SOX 7
Chapter 1: The SOX Saga 9
Chapter 2: SOX in Sixty Seconds 27
Chapter 3: SOX and Securities Regulations ...
Sobre el autor
Jill Gilbert Welytok, JD, CPA, LLM, practices in the areas of corporate, nonprofit law, and intellectual property. She is the founder of Absolute Technology Law Group...