When we hear stories of spontaneous healing, assistance from angels and loved ones whove passed, the laws of physics bending or even breaking to save someone, and people using their divine creative power to claim what they desire despite appearances, our beliefs change about what is possible for us. We Are So Loved is about such miracles and more. Many of these stories may seem too fantastic to be true, but they are. As you read them, maybe youll remember some of your own miracles that you discounted as just a coincidence, luck, or just your imagination. The mystical, miraculous experiences Ive had since childhood, the stories others have shared with me of divine assistance and moments of grace, as well as the miraculous healings I witness as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner, have changed my beliefs about what is possible and continue to transform my world for the better on every level of my being. Thats what I want for you, and why Im sharing them in this book. I hope they inspire you to think and believe a little bigger and better than you did before you read them as you realize how Loved you are, Who You Really Are, and how possible the impossible really is.
The miraculous experiences in this book are what fuel my lifes mission to share the truth of how Loved we are and how powerful we are when we align with the Love that is our Source of being. I hope these stories remind you of the God Within you and all life on this planet, that they awaken an awareness of the Love and well-being that is constantly flowing to you, and help you release the limiting beliefs that have kept you from allowing into your life all that your heart desires. We Are So Loved is my first book, and just the beginning of much more to come.
Jill Lambert
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Jill’s experiences since childhood and those others have shared with her of extraordinary care and assistance from the Divine, miracles and moments of grace, as well the miraculous healings she’s witnessed as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner, have provided her the tools and insight to overcome abuse, decades of health issues and a difficult marriage that finally ended in divorce after thirty-seven years. These experiences are what fuel her life’s mission to share the truth of how Loved we are, and how powerful we are when we align with the Love that is our Source of being. This, her first book, We Are So Loved, is just the beginning of much more to come.