Edwin Black is the award-winning, New York Times and international investigative author of 80 bestselling editions in 14 languages in 61 countries, as well as scores of newspaper and magazine articles in the leading publications of the United States, Europe and Israel. With a million books in print, his work focuses on genocide and hate, corporate criminality and corruption, governmental misconduct, academic fraud, philanthropy abuse, oil addiction, alternative energy and historical investigation. Editors have submitted Black»s work nine times for Pulitzer Prize nomination, and in recent years he has been the recipient of a series of top editorial awards. He has also contributed to a number of anthologies worldwide. For his work, Black has been interviewed on hundreds of network broadcasts from Oprah, the Today Show, CNN Wolf Blitzer Reports and NBC Dateline in the US to the leading networks of Europe and Latin American. His works have been the subject of numerous documentaries, here and abroad. All of his books have been optioned by Hollywood for film, with three in active production. His latest film is the screen adaptation War Against the Weak, based on his book of the same name. Black»s speaking tours include hundreds of events in dozens of cities each year, appearing at prestigious venues from the Library of Congress in Washington to the Simon Wiesenthal Institute in Los Angeles in America, and in Europe from London»s British War Museum and Amsterdam»s Institute for War Documentation to Munich»s Carl Orff Hall. He is the editor of The Cutting Edge News, which receives more than 1.5 million visits monthly.
Black»s ten award-winning bestselling books are IBM and the Holocaust (2001), British Petroleum and the Redline Agreement (2011), The Farhud (2010), Nazi Nexus (2009), The Plan (2008), Internal Combustion (2006), Banking on Baghdad (2004), War Against the Weak (2003), The Transfer Agreement (1984), and a 1999 novel, Format C:. His enterprise and investigative writings have appeared in scores of newspapers from the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune to the Sunday Times of London, Frankfurter Zeitung and the Jerusalem Post, as well as scores of magazines as diverse as Playboy, Sports Illustrated, Reform Judaism, Der Spiegel, L»Express, BusinessWeek and American Bar Association Journal. Black»s articles are syndicated worldwide by Los Angeles Times Syndicate International, Los Angeles Times-Washington Post Syndicate, JTA and Feature Group News Service.
16 Ebooks de Jim A. Kuypers
Robert E. Denton: George W. Bush Presidency
To date, there are only a couple dozen or so books specifically about the Presidency of George W. Bush. Political operatives, members of the media, and former administration officials have written mo …
Jim A. Kuypers: Purpose, Practice, and Pedagogy in Rhetorical Criticism
This edited volume fills a void in the literature concerning the purpose, practice, and pedagogy associated with performing rhetorical criticism. Literature regarding these issuespredominantly purpos …
Jim A. Kuypers: Bush’s War
Immediately after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans looked to President Bush for words of leadership. In his most formal reply of the day, he said, ‘Today, our fellow citizens, our way of …
Jim A. Kuypers: Partisan Journalism
In Partisan Journalism: A History of Media Bias in the United States, Jim A. Kuypers guides readers on a journey through American journalistic history, focusing on the warring notions of objectivity …
Robert E. Denton: Political Campaign Communication
Political Campaign Communication: Theory, Method, and Practice brings a diversity of issues, topics, and events on political campaign communication around the concepts of theory, method and practice. …
Jim A. Kuypers: 2016 American Presidential Campaign and the News
This book examines perhaps the most contentious election in modern US historythe 2016 United States presidential election. It is unique in its discussion of a wide range of issues affecting the news …
Kuypers Jim A. Kuypers: Press Bias and Politics
Kuypers charts the potential effects the printed presses and broadcast media have upon the messages of political and social leaders when they discuss controversial issues. Examining over 800 press re …
Kuypers Jim A. Kuypers: Presidential Crisis Rhetoric and the Press in the Post-Cold War World
Kuypers combines rhetorical theory and framing analysis in an examination of the interaction of the press and the president during international crisis situations in the post-Cold War world. Three cr …
Paul D’Angelo & Jim A. Kuypers: Doing News Framing Analysis
Doing News Framing Analysis provides an interpretive guide to news frames – what they are, how they can be observed in news texts, and how framing effects are uncovered and substantiated in cultural, …
Paul D’Angelo & Jim A. Kuypers: Doing News Framing Analysis
Doing News Framing Analysis provides an interpretive guide to news frames – what they are, how they can be observed in news texts, and how framing effects are uncovered and substantiated in cultural, …
Jim A. Kuypers: President Trump and the News Media
In President Trump and the News Media: Moral Foundations, Framing, and the Nature of Press Bias in America, political communication researcher Jim A. Kuypers takes readers on a rhetorical framing tou …
Jim A. Kuypers: Rhetorical Criticism
Covering a broad range of rhetorical perspectives, Rhetorical Criticism: Perspectives in Action, third edition presents a well-grounded introduction to the basics of rhetorical criticism and theory i …
Jim A. Kuypers: Personal and Administrative Perspectives from the Communication Discipline during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This book addresses questions about the major impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on human communication and the ways in which the communication discipline has been impacted by and has responded to the …
Jim A. Kuypers: Public Communication in the Time of COVID-19
This collection, edited by Jim A. Kuypers, analyzes genres of public communication to examine how the pandemic has impacted specific areas of scholarship within the communication discipline. Contribu …
Jim A. Kuypers: Future for the News
A Future for the News: What’s Wrong with Mainstream News Media in America and How to Fix It investigates and offers solutions to significant problems with the productive functioning of the mainstream …