Three separate women with separate stories; all with guns, all with a mission. Marlene as “The Husband Hunter” had a husband but couldn’t keep him, but found him after years and a global search, and then didn’t want him… alive. Veronica simply was misguided; her sole and desperate interest was protection of her family against imagined evils, but she was set straight following a neighborhood encounter where “The Streetwalker’s Price” was a life-preserving lesson. “A Gun in the House” offers a sense of security and comfort, and protection against intruders, but Constance testifies not all the threat comes from outside the home.
Sobre el autor
Jim Woods wrote novels and short stories, many of which stand alone, while others are assembled into collections, in worldwide milieus. He was a world traveler, having researched numerous exotic locales as settings for his stories. Much of his world travel was for big game hunting which, coupled with his background as editor with Petersen’s Hunting, Guns & Ammo and Guns magazines, frequently allowed him to bring firearms into play in his tales. Jim Woods passed away October 8, 2012; he lived and wrote in Tucson.