Autor: Jo Stanley

Elizabeth Edwards is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Kent and was from 1994-2007 Director of the Kentish Regional and Local History degree programme.

4 Ebooks de Jo Stanley

Jo Stanley: From Cabin ‘Boys’ to Captains
Traditionally, a woman’s place was never on stormy seas. But actually thousands of dancers, purserettes, doctors, stewardesses, captains and conductresses have taken to the waves on everything from f …
Paul Baker & Jo Stanley: Hello Sailor!
When gays had to be closeted, ships were the only places where homosexual men could not only be out but also camp. And on some liners to the sun and the New World, queens and butches had a ball. They …
Paul Baker & Jo Stanley: Hello Sailor!
When gays had to be closeted, ships were the only places where homosexual men could not only be out but also camp. And on some liners to the sun and the New World, queens and butches had a ball. They …
Stuart Bligh & Sheila Sweetinburgh: Maritime Kent Through the Ages
A wide-ranging history of the geography and communities of Kent from the earliest times to the present day. Kent, with its long coastline and its important geopolitical position close to London and c …