The chapters in this volume build on a growing body of ethnomethodological conversation analytic research on teaching in order to enhance our empirical understandings of teaching as embodied, contingent and jointly achieved with students in the complex management of various courses of action and larger instructional projects. Together, the chapters document the embodied accomplishment of teaching by identifying specific resources that teachers use to manage instructional projects; demonstrate that teaching entails both alignment and affiliation work; and show the significance of using high-quality audiovisual data to document the sophisticated work of teaching. By providing analytic insight into the highly-specialized work of teaching, the studies make a significant contribution to a practice-based understanding of how the life of the classroom, as lived by its members, is accomplished.
Tabla de materias
Chapter 1. Joan Kelly Hall and Stephen Daniel Looney: Introduction: The Embodied Work of Teaching
Chapter 2. Nadja Tadic and Catherine Di Felice Box. Attending to the Interpersonal and Institutional Contingencies of Interaction in an Elementary Classroom
Chapter 3. Joan Kelly Hall, Taiane Malabarba, and Daisuke Kimura: What’s Symmetrical?: A Teacher’s Cooperative Management of Learner Turns in a Read-Aloud Activity
Chapter 4. Stephen Daniel Looney and Jamie Kim: Managing Disaligning Responses: Sequence and Embodiment in Third Turn Teases
Chapter 5. Elizabeth Reddington, Di Yu, and Nadja Tadic: A Tale of Two Tasks: Facilitating Storytelling in the Adult ESL Classroom
Chapter 6. Drew Fagan: Teacher Embodied Responsiveness to Student Displays of Trouble Within Small-Group Activities
Chapter 7. Hansun Zhang Waring and Lauren B. Carpenter: Gaze Shifts as a Resource for Managing Attention and Recipiency
Chapter 8. Olcay Sert: Mutual Gaze, Embodied Go-aheads, and their Interactional Consequences in L2 Classrooms
Chapter 9. Innhwa Park: The Use of Embodied Self-directed Talk in Teaching Writing
Chapter 10. Yumi Matsumoto: Embodied Actions and Gestures as Interactional Resources for Teaching in a L2 Writing Classroom
Chapter 11. Abby Mueller Dobs: Collective Translations: Translating Together in a Chinese Foreign Language Class
Chapter 12. Stephen Daniel Looney: The Embodied Accomplishment of Teaching: Challenges for Research and Practice
Sobre el autor
Stephen Daniel Looney is an Associate Teaching Professor in Applied Linguistics and Director of the International Teaching Assistant (ITA) Program in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University, USA. His research takes a conversation analysis approach to analyzing teacher-student interaction in university STEM classrooms. He is an associate editor for the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.