This book presents a multidimensional approach by providing a state of the art on EIS ecosystems, as well as structural and changing dynamics and its impact on citizens’ quality of life. It provides a set of international benchmarking case studies on good practices and initiatives aimed at creating and fostering EIS ecosystems. It shows how these international benchmarks can be replicated to foster the creation of entrepreneurial and innovative units and promote sustainable practices, under an open innovation paradigm, which conjoins the participation of both public and private stakeholders, using co-creation, transparency and participatory budget practices the jointly improve accountability and public management. This book is a true reference guide for scholars, policy makers and practitioners interested on entrepreneurship, public procurement, innovation and sustainability engaged in building EIS ecosystems, which can enhance citizens’ quality of life.
Tabla de materias
Chapter 1. The EIS Ecosystem in the Curitiba Public Transport System: The B100 Project (Orsiolli).- Chapter 2. Creating a Supportive Ecosystem for Street Vendors in India: the Role of the National Association of Street Vendors in India (NASVI) (Swamy).- Chapter 3. Sustainable Ecosystems through Indigenous Social Enterprises (Maguirre).- Chapter 4. Private Standards in a Multiple World: Opportunity or Threat for Developing Countries? (Machado).- Chapter 5. Local Public Management Focused on Quality of Life in Sustainable Cities (Rodrigues).- Chapter 6. Application of Structural Equation Modelling for Studying Eco-innovation at Brazilian Industrial SMEs through the PINTEC Survey (Basso).- Chapter 7. Revitalising the Forest: Innovative and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Development in the Finnish Bioeconomy (Kautonen).- Chapter 8. Impact of Global Warming on Business Planning in Mexico (Vargas-Hernández).- Chapter 9. Activity System Analysis of an EIS Ecosystem. The Case of Boulder Colorado (Thompson).- Chapter 10. Employment and People with Disabilities: an Emerging Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (Markel).- Chapter 11. Can Credit Unions Pursue Social Goals While Remaining Financially Sustainable? Evidence from Spain Before and During the Crisis (Martínez-Campillo).- Chapter 12. Public Innovation and Collaborative Governance (Navarro).- Chapter 13. Sustainable Practices in Small and Medium Enterprises in the State of Santa Catarina: Motivations and Benefits (Machado).- Chapter 14. The Contribution of Smart Cities Enhancing Quality of Life from a Citizen’s Perspective (Vázquez).- Chapter 15. Revisiting EIS Ecosystem: a Systematic Literature Review and Conceptual Model Proposal (Leitão).- Chapter 16. Mapping an Entrepreneurial, Innovative and Sustainable Ecosystem Using Social Network Analysis: an Exploratory Approach of Publicly-funded Innovative Projects Data (Pinto).- Chapter 17. Corporative Social and Management Responsibility for Overall Quality: Additional Study between the Two Approaches in the Dimensions of Sustainability (Dias).- Chapter 18. Product Innovation as Territory Sustainability Added Value: The Case Study of Douro Skin Care (Paiva).- Chapter 19. From Brokering to Platform Models. A Case Study of Best Practices for the Enactment of Hybrid Partnerships Between Public Institutions (Macrì).- Chapter 20. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem’s Drivers: The Role of Higher Education Organizations in Emerging Economies (Herrera-Pons).- Chapter 21. Sustainability-Driven Entrepreneurs: Solutions for Social and Environmental Problems or Business as Usual (Zahraie).- Chapter 22. Learning from Natural Systems to Understand Social Systems (Barros).- Chapter 23. The Social Process of Constructing Sustainable Business Models: a Network Approach (Neumeyer).
Sobre el autor
João Leitão is assistant professor at UBI, lecturing on entrepreneurship and economics for undergraduate and graduate economics, engineering, communication sciences, marketing and management students since October 1, 1999. He is associate researcher of the CEG-IST, University of Lisbon and Professor Vinculado at the Instituto Multidisciplinar de Empresa, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. He is co-author of fourteen books on benchmarking, human capital, clusters, cooperation networks, public private partnerships, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, firm growth, innovation and competitiveness. He won the Best Paper Award of the Interdisciplinary European Conference in Entrepreneurial Research – IECER 2012. His work has been published in several indexed journals, such as, Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, International Journal of Technology Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, International Review on Public and non-Profit Marketing, International Journal of Business Excellence, International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, South African Journal of Information Management, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Actual Problems of Economics and Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. He is member of several editorial boards, namely, Journal of Small Business Management, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão and Revista Portuguesa de Marketing. His research interests include: entrepreneurship; innovation; public policies; and regional policy.
Helena Alves is associate professor at UBI, Portugal. She has a Ph.D. in Management and she has been doing research in the area of public and nonprofit marketing. Her areas of expertise include Customer Satisfaction, Services marketing, Tourism marketing and public and nonprofit marketing having authored and co-authored several articles and book chapters on this topics. Currently she is editor of the International Review on Public and nonprofit marketing. She is member of several editorial boards, namely, the Service Industries Journal, the International Journal of Business Excellence, Service Business, Contemporary Research on Organization Management and Administration, Journal of Service Science and Management, Portuguese Marketing Review among others. She has published some articles in The Service Industries Journal, Total Quality Management, International Review on Public and non-Profit Marketing, Management Decision, Journal of Educational Management, and Services Business, among others. She is president for Portugal of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing.
Norris Krueger is passionately interested in how we grow entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial communities. He was a pioneer in researching entrepreneurial ecosystems and has been an invited expert on the topic for the OCED and EU and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. He has organized and led high level academic symposia and high-impact practitioner workshops. Norris is also known for his research into the entrepreneurial mindset, the most-cited author on entrepreneurial intentions (see Google Scholar) which has led him to studying neuroentrepreneurship and its implications for entrepreneurial learning and education. He is a passionate, award-winning educator. He is also a past officer of ICSB and a current officer on the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. He is Associate Editor and reviewer for multiple journals, most notably Journal of Small Business Management.
Jacob Park is Professor of Strategy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at Green Mountain College in Vermont (USA) specializing in social and environmental innovation, entrepreneurship, and management with a special expertise/interest in emerging economies in Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Caribbean regions. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and South Asia Global Business Research Journal and serves on the editorial boards of and Business Strategy and the Environment and Journal of Corporate Citizenship. His book, “Crisis of Global Environmental Governance: Towards a New Political Economy of Sustainability”, was published in 2008 by Routledge and “Ecology of the New Economy: Sustainable Transformation of Global Information Technology, Communication, and Electronics Industries” was published in 2002 by Greenleaf Publishing. He serves on and contributes to a wide range of international scientific, environmental, and market development efforts, including as the UNEP Global Environment Outlook 6 Regional Coordinating Lead Author (North America) and as the Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Technologies Investment Committee member of Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, Nairobi, Kenya-based $150 million sustainable investment fund.