If you want to live a better life, how can you do so? Like learning to play a musical instrument or another language, you need to be clear about the basics beforehand. This means describing what you value and what you need to do to move into realizing these values in your everyday life. Once your intentions are clear, again similar to playing a musical instrument, you must practice every day realizing those intentions. This is called practical wisdom–applying what you value into daily practice.
In a new book, Everyday Wisdom, writer and philosophy teacher Dr. John C. Morgan provides forty ways to live a deeper and more meaningful life, which he collected over the years from both students in his classes and congregations he served. Written clearly in short essays, Morgan offers pathways for finding your best self, including how to be more loving, peaceful, and intentional.
Being clear about your intentions and practicing realizing them every day is the wisdom needed to realize your potential. It’s a daily practice but followed long enough becomes life changing. Essentially, living the good life is one that evolves over time and is a habit you choose to practice every day.
This book offers ways to create your book of life and keep a journal along the way, thus putting into daily practice what you value.
Sobre el autor
John C. Morgan is a writer who happens to teach or a teacher who happens to write, and sometimes both at the same time. He loves teaching because the audience sits in front of him or in a circle, which is more common in his college philosophy classes. He has been writing since the fourth grade when a teacher took pity on him because he had troubles adapting when he moved from an experimental school in the city to a more traditional suburban school. She convinced him his stories were great and funny and should be shared with the rest of the class. Perhaps this explains why to this day he is not sure if he is a writer or teacher. He has been a journalist, teacher, community organizer, and minister over his seventy-six plus years of life. And he has written and published eight books, many articles, and not a few newspaper columns. His most recent book, Resisting Tyranny (Resource, 2018), is about his ancestor, Matthew Lyon, thrown into jail in 1798 for criticizing then President John Adams. He holds three graduate degrees in philosophy, ethics, and religious history. He lives now with his wife and three cats in a small town an hour from Philadelphia. He has three grown children and two grandchildren (also grown).