People often chose a dog that resembles themselves, consciously or unconsciously. Even scientific experiments have proved it. For example, you rarely find a Hell’s Angel with a bichon frisé, or a sweet little old lady with a bulldog. A gentle quiet academic wouldn’t normally chose a boisterous border collie, nor would an energetic teenager chose a basset hound.
Our beloved dogs are rather like our choice of car or the clothes we wear. The science writer David Robson says, ‘The canine mini-me reveals a narcissistic tendency in us all.’
In these humorous, colourful illustrations of doppelgänger dogs, artist John Holder has depicted a superb, visually entertaining collection of dogs and their owners in all their lookalike glory. A treat for dog owners everywhere.
Sobre el autor
John Holder was born in Suffolk and now lives in Cambridge where he enjoys walking Murphy, a well-behaved Schnauzer farm dog, every day. Having studied at the Cambridge School of Art, he has had a career spanning over fifty years working as a graphic designer and art director as well as being a visiting lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University where he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Arts award. John’s illustrations appear regularly in books, newspapers and magazines worldwide.