Autor: John Strauss

Larry Davidson is Associate Professor of psychiatry at the Connecticut Mental Health Center at Yale. His patient-oriented research includes recovery from serious mental illness, the development of qualitative and participatory research methods, community-based treatment of psychosis, the development and evaluation of innovative psycho-social interventions, and the promotion of collaborative relationships between people with serious mental illness and their healthcare providers. He received the President»s Award, United States Psychosocial Rehabilitation Association, New York Chapter, in 2007 and the Franco Basaglia Memorial Scholarship, Fondazione Basaglia, Rome, Italy, in 2008. Jaak Rakfeldt is Professor of Social Work at the Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT, USA. John Strauss is Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University in New Haven, CT, USA.

4 Ebooks de John Strauss

Larry Davidson & Jaak Rakfeldt: The Roots of the Recovery Movement in Psychiatry
As the global psychiatric community enters a new era of transformation, this book explores lessons learned from previous efforts with the goal of ‘getting it right’ this time. In response to the comm …
Larry Davidson & Jaak Rakfeldt: The Roots of the Recovery Movement in Psychiatry
As the global psychiatric community enters a new era of transformation, this book explores lessons learned from previous efforts with the goal of ‘getting it right’ this time. In response to the comm …
T. Paul Schultz & John Strauss: Handbook of Development Economics
The field of development economics has evolved since volume 3 of the Handbook of Development Economics was published more than a decade ago. Volume 4 takes stock of some of the newer trends and their …
John Strauss: Origins and Course of Psychopathology
The Society for Life History Research in Psychopathology is a group of investigators from many disciplines who share an interest in studying the longitudinal aspects of psychiat- ric disorder. Sociol …