This volume presents a selection of survey and research articles based on invited lectures and contributed talks presented at the Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media that was held in Coimbra, Portugal, in September 12-14, 2011. The contributions are devoted to mathematical modeling, numerical simulation and their applications, providing the readers a state-of-the-art overview on the latest findings and new challenges on the topic. The book includes research work of worldwide recognized leaders in their respective fields and presents advances in both theory and applications, making it appealing to a vast range of audience, in particular mathematicians, engineers and physicists.
Tabla de materias
On the Coupling of Incompressible Stokes or Navier-Stokes and Darcy flows Through Porous Media. V. Girault, G. Kanschat and B. Rivi`ere. -Comparison of Control Volume Analysis and Porous Media Averaging for Formulation of Porous Media Transport. F. Civan. -On the Energy Conservation Formulation for Flows in Porous Media Including Viscous Dissipation Effects. V. A. F. Costa. -Analytical and Numerical Study of Memory Formalisms in Diffusion Processes. J. A. Ferreira, E. Gudi˜no and P. de Oliveira. -Super-diffusive Transport Processes in Porous Media. E. Sousa. -Unfolding Method for the Homogenization of Bingham Flow. R. Bunoiu, G. Cardone and C. Perugia. -An Integrated Capillary, Buoyancy and Viscous Driven Model for Brine/CO2 Relative Permeability in a Compositional and Parallel Reservoir Simulator. X. Kong, M. Delshad and M. F. Wheeler Sneak Flow Simulations in the IXV0s Windward TPS Assembly. M. Patr´ıcio and R. Patr´ıcio. -Implementing Lowest-Order Methods for Diffusive Problems with a DSEL. J.-M. Gratien. -Non-Darcian Effects on the Flow of Viscous Fluid in Partly Porous Configuration and Bounded by Heated Oscillating Plates. S. Panda, M. R. Acharya and A. Nayak. -Experimental and Numerical Study of the Salt Dissolution in Porous Media. F. Dorai, G. Debenest, H. Luo, H. Davarzani, R. Bouhlila, F. Laouafa and M. Quintard.