Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach provides researchers and students with a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. It shows how the components of design interact with each other, and provides a strategy for creating coherent and workable relationships among these design components, highlighting key design issues. Written in an informal, jargon-free style, the new
Third Edition incorporates examples and hands-on exercises.
Tabla de materias
Chapter 1. A Model for Qualitative Research Design
Chapter 2. Goals: Why Are You Doing This Study?
Chapter 3. Conceptual Framework: What Do You Think Is Going On?
Chapter 4. Research Questions: What Do You Want to Understand?
Chapter 5. Methods: What Will You Actually Do?
Chapter 6. Validity: How Might You Be Wrong?
Chapter 7. Research Proposals: Presenting and Justifying a Qualitative Study
Appendix A. A Proposal for a Study of Medical School Teaching
Appendix B. A Proposal for a Study of Online Learning by Teachers
Sobre el autor
Joseph A. Maxwell is a Professor (Emeritus) in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University, where he taught courses on qualitative and mixed methods research. He is the author of Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach (3rd ed.; SAGE, 2013), A Realist Approach for Qualitative Research (SAGE, 2012), and papers on qualitative and mixed methods research, program evaluation, sociocultural theory, Native American societies, and medical education. He has a Ph D in anthropology from the University of Chicago.