Your complete guide to Social Security retirement and medical benefits.
The rules for claiming Social Security benefits are changing. Find out if you can still choose between your own benefits and spousal benefits. Learn this and more with Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions–completely updated for 2018.
Social Security benefits. Social Security benefits. Figure out how to get retirement, disability, dependents and survivors benefits, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Decide whether it’s best to claim benefits early, at full retirement age, or not until you turn 70—and how to time your claims so you and your spouse get the best benefits.
Medicare & Medicaid. Learn how to qualify for and enroll in both programs, including Medicare Part D drug coverage.
Medigap insurance & Medicare Advantage plans. Compare Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans, and choose what’s best for you.
Government pensions & veterans benefits. Discover when and how to claim the benefits you have earned.
What’s New in 2018?
New Medicare cards coming to you in 2018
How unpaid student loan debt can reduce your benefits
New ABLE savings accounts for people with disabilities, and
New Medicare costs and Social Security amounts for 2018.
Whether you’re looking for yourself or helping a parent, you’ll find valuable information here to help get the benefits you’ve earned.
Tabla de materias
Your Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions Companion
1. Social Security: The Basics
2. Social Security Retirement Benefits
3. Social Security Disability Benefits
4. Social Security Dependents Benefits
5. Social Security Survivors Benefits
6. When to Claim Social Security Benefits, and Which One to Claim
7. Supplemental Security Income
8. Applying for Benefits
9. Appealing a Social Security Decision
10. Federal Civil Service Retirement Benefits
11. Veterans Benefits
12. Medicare
13. Medicare Procedures: Enrollment, Claims, and Appeals
14. Medigap Insurance
15. Medicare Part C: Medicare Advantage Plans
16. Medicaid and State Supplements to Medicare
Sobre el autor
Joseph Matthews has been an attorney since 1971. In the early years of his legal career, he taught at the law school of the University of California, Berkeley. He has for many years been involved in matters relating to seniors, and is the author of Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions and Long Term Care: How to Plan & Pay for It, as well as How to Win Your Personal injury Claim.