Finding out that you have a life-changing illness or injury can hit you like a tsunami.
The prospect of living with a disability can be depressing-mourning all the things you used to be capable of doing, feeling like a burden, and wondering how you will move forward in a body that refuses to cooperate with the life you want to live. Anything Is Possible shows you how to use the trauma you’ve experienced as a tool for transformation to live a fulfilled life as your most authentic self.
The exploration of this possibility is at the core of this practical book that guides you through the mental and spiritual process to go from scared to sacred, and broken to ‘built for it.’ Life-after-trauma Coach and Differently Able Activist Josephine Mariposa uses her own journey to share simple actions and strategies to transition into a uniquely capable wheelchair-optimized life.
In this book, you will discover how to:
• Navigate the aftermath of life as you knew it before the trauma to find meaning and purpose in life as it is now
• Flip the script and use disability as a tool to tap into your hidden abilities
• Empower yourself using simple doable actions to gain as much independence as possible
• Boost your confidence so you can be comfortable even when other people are not
• Shake the helplessly handicapped stigma and discover a differently able lifestyle
You cannot change what happened, but you can change your perspective of how it affects you and live a fulfilling life in light of your disability.
Tabla de materias
1. The Main Event
2. Strengthening the Things Which Remain
3. The Needle in the Haystack
4. Transitions
5. Flip the Switch
6. God Is in the Details
7. The Shut Gate
8. Endless Patience
9. Bicycles and Bruises
10. Shifting Gears
11. One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
12. Parallel Dimensions
13. Baseline Decisions
14. Nurturing Motivation
15. Lasting Impressions
16. Moving Forward
17. Piercing the Chrysalis
18. Emerging
About the Author
Sobre el autor
Josephine is a mother of four and married to her silent partner, who chooses to remain anonymous. When she is not wheeling around town on her ‘bicycle, ‘ she can be found tilting perspectives about being differently able, being authentic, and living an optimal life despite disability.