The Twenty-Second Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings, which convene once a year at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem to discuss a specific topic in the broad area of quantum chemistry and ‘biochemistry. The topic at this year’s Jerusalem Symposium was Perspectives in Photosynthesis, which constitutes a truly interdisciplinary subject of central interest to biophysicists, and biologists. chemists The ...
The Twenty-Second Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings, which convene once a year at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem to discuss a specific topic in the broad area of quantum chemistry and ‘biochemistry. The topic at this year’s Jerusalem Symposium was Perspectives in Photosynthesis, which constitutes a truly interdisciplinary subject of central interest to biophysicists, and biologists. chemists The main theme of the Symposium was built around a conceptual framework for the acquisition, storage and useful disposal of energy in photosynthetic reaction centres. Emphasis was placed on the elucidation of primary charge separation processes in photosynthesis and their exploration within the framework of the electron transfer theory, on the interrelationship between structural data, inter- actions and electron transfer kinetics, and on the role of protein dynamics in primary processes in photosynthesis. The interdisciplinary nature of these research areas was deliberated by intensive and extensive interactions between scientists from different disciplines and between theory and experiment. This volume provides a record of the invited lectures at the Symposium.