Julia Sutton è appasionata di scrittura creativa da sempre. Ha scritto poesie, storie per bambini, e da poco si è cimentata nella scrittura di romanzi contemporanei. Terminato nell»arco di un anno, «La Scuola dei Sogni» è il primo libro di una serie. Julia ha speso le sue serate e i fine settimana a scrivere il suo romanzo, scarabbocchiando sui quaderni e digitando sul suo computer. Era felicissima di averlo completato e di aver firmato un contratto con Creativia. Ha ricevuto l»offerta proprio nel giorno del suo 44esimo compleanno e ha festeggiato con una bottiglia di champagne. Julia lavora in una scuola elementare, circondata da un incantevole staff e dai bambini adorabili. Quando non li insegue per il cortile, porta a spasso il suo cane, ascolta la musica e spende il suo tempo con la sua famiglia e a scrivere. Scrivere è la sua passione e trova soddisfazione nell»esprimere sé stessa attraverso la parola scritta. Trova l»ispirazione nelle attività di tutti i giorni; quando si rilassa la domenica mattina, facendo una passeggiata per il parco in una giornata soleggiata o ascoltando dei frammenti di conversazioni nei negozi affollati. La sua abitazione è piena di appunti di idee sporadiche arrivate improvvisamente e che devono essere registrate prima che vengano dimenticate. Uno degli hobby di Julia è la lettura; ama immergersi nei mondi fittizzi e adora generi diversi. Nel 2005, ha conseguito una laurea in Inglese presso l»Università di Wolverhampton, l»amibizione di una vita. Ha così potuto appagare il suo amore per i libri e ha incontrato un gruppo di persone incantevoli, che sono diventati amici per la vita. E» stato proprio durante il periodo universitario che Julia ha trovato l»ispirazione per il suo romanzo «La Scuola dei Sogni». L»idea di un gruppo di estranei che si incontravano all»università la catturò, e pensò che, esplorare le loro vite, ambizioni e sogni, sarebbe stata una perfetta storia da raccontare. I suoi piani
51 Ebooks de Julia Sutton
Julia Sutton: Brazil
Brazil occupies almost half of the continent of South America and is the fifth most populous country in the world. The United States has traditionally enjoyed cooperative relations with Brazil, which …
Angel Catala: Tocopherol
Natural vitamin E includes two groups of closely related fat-soluble compounds, tocopherols and tocotrienols, each composed of four isoforms. a-Tocopherol is a very well-known potent antioxidant and …
Julia Sutton: L’ecole des reves
Sophie est une belle femme au foyer qui frole la crise de la quarantaine, malheureuse avec un mari frivole. Juliette, une optimiste romantique et passionnee, a du mal a joindre les deux bouts dans un …
Julia Sutton: Affari Studenteschi
Affari studenteschi racconta le storie ed i processi di cinque studenti durante il loro secondo anno all»Università di Chattlesbury. E» una storia di speranza, ambizioni, sogni ed amore. Ma an …
Julia Sutton: Ilusões do Coração
O primeiro ano na Universidade Chattlesbury está chegando ao fim. Cinco estudantes tornaram-se amigos e suas vidas estão progredindo tanto academicamente quanto pessoalmente. Forçado a amadurecer ced …
Julia Sutton: Visions of the Heart
The first year at Chattlesbury University is coming to an end. Five students have become friends, and their lives are progressing both academically and personally. Forced to mature too soon, can Will …
Julia Sutton: The School of Dreams
Sophie is a beautiful housewife on the brink of a midlife crisis, unhappy with her errant husband. Juliette, a romantic and passionate optimist, struggles to make ends meet in a society that stereoty …
Julia Sutton: The School Of Dreams
Sophie is a beautiful housewife on the brink of a midlife crisis, unhappy with her errant husband. Juliette, a romantic and passionate optimist, struggles to make ends meet in a society that stereoty …
Julia Sutton: Magia Navideña En El Retiro De Escritores
Después de la muerte de su madre, la joven Louise debe ocuparse de cuidar de su melancólico padre y de un rebelde hermano menor. Trabaja incansablemente en una pastelería, pero sueña con convertirse …
Julia Sutton: Christmas Magic At The Writers’ Retreat
After her mother’s death, young Louise is left caring for her melancholy father and a wayward younger brother. She works tirelessly in a baker’s shop, but dreams of becoming a successful children’s a …
Julia Sutton: The Year Of New Beginnings
In middle England, Juliette, Sophie, Ann, Evelyn and Will are in the final year of studying for an English degree. Will it all go to plan, with the expectation of success weighing heavily on their sh …
Julia Sutton: Student Affairs
Student Affairs chronicles the progress of five students through a turbulent second year at Chattlesbury University. It is a story of hope, ambition, dreams and romance. But will everything run smoot …
Julia Sutton: The Lake Of Lilies
Little Hamsden is a picturesque town nestled in the English countryside. But when a young girl disappears, tensions run high and a private investigator is called in to help solve the case. Lisa …
Julia Sutton: Cocktails, Wedding Bells and Summer Madness
Straight-laced Rose loves books, swimming and the folk choir. So when her gregarious best friend arrives home from a ten year around-the-world trip, her safe, comfortable existence is thrown into dis …
Julia Sutton: Love In The Spotlight
When Elizabeth Ryan is demoted on Christmas Eve, she resigns herself to a dismal future: selling kitchen utensils in a large department store. The New Year looks bleak, but a chance encounter on a ka …
Julia Sutton: Cocktails, Wedding Bells and Summer Madness
Straight-laced Rose loves books, swimming and the folk choir. So when her gregarious best friend arrives home from a ten year around-the-world trip, her safe, comfortable existence is thrown into dis …
Julia Sutton: Cocteles, campanas nupciales y locura de verano
A Rose, la decente y correcta, le encantan los libros, la natación y el coro folclórico. Pero, cuando su gregaria mejor amiga llega a casa después de un viaje de diez años alrededor del mundo, su exi …
Julia Sutton: Magia Navideña En El Retiro De Escritores
Después de la muerte de su madre, la joven Louise debe ocuparse de cuidar de su melancólico padre y de un rebelde hermano menor. Trabaja incansablemente en una pastelería, pero sueña con convertirse …
Julia Sutton: Love In The Spotlight
When Elizabeth Ryan is demoted on Christmas Eve, she resigns herself to a dismal future: selling kitchen utensils in a large department store. The New Year looks bleak, but a chance encounter on a ka …
Julia Sutton: The Lake Of Lilies
Little Hamsden is a picturesque town nestled in the English countryside. But when a young girl disappears, tensions run high and a private investigator is called in to help solve the case. Lisa …
Julia Sutton: Visions of the Heart
The first year at Chattlesbury University is coming to an end. Five students have become friends, and their lives are progressing both academically and personally. Forced to mature too soon, can Will …
Julia Sutton: Student Affairs
Student Affairs chronicles the progress of five students through a turbulent second year at Chattlesbury University. It is a story of hope, ambition, dreams and romance. But will everything run smoot …
Julia Sutton: The Year Of New Beginnings
In middle England, Juliette, Sophie, Ann, Evelyn and Will are in the final year of studying for an English degree. Will it all go to plan, with the expectation of success weighing heavily on their sh …
Julia Sutton: Χριστουγεννιάτικη Μαγεία στο Καταφύγιο Συγγραφέων
Μετά τον θάνατο της μητέρας της, η νεαρή Λουίζ μένει να φροντίζει τον μελαγχολικό πατέρα της και έναν ιδιόρρυθμο μικρότερο αδελφό. Εργάζεται ακούραστα σε ένα αρτοποιείο, αλλά ονειρεύεται να γίνει επι …
Julia Sutton: Christmas Magic At The Writers’ Retreat
After her mother’s death, young Louise is left caring for her melancholy father and a wayward younger brother. She works tirelessly in a baker’s shop, but dreams of becoming a successful children’s a …
Julia Sutton: Dê Asas ao Amor
Quando Elizabeth Ryan é rebaixada na véspera de Natal, ela se resigna a um futuro sombrio: vender utensílios de cozinha em uma grande loja de departamentos. O Ano Novo parece sombrio, mas um encontro …
Julia Sutton: Cocteles, campanas nupciales y locura de verano
A Rose, la decente y correcta, le encantan los libros, la natación y el coro folclórico. Pero, cuando su gregaria mejor amiga llega a casa después de un viaje de diez años alrededor del mundo, su exi …
Julia Sutton: Coquetéis, Sinos de Casamento e Loucuras de Verão
A certinha Rose adora livros, natação e coral da igreja. Então, quando sua super animada melhor amiga volta para casa após uma viagem de dez anos ao redor do mundo, sua existência segura e confortáve …
Julia Sutton: The Heart’s Journey
A collection of three contemporary romance novels by Julia Sutton, now available in one volume! Christmas Magic At The Writers’ Retreat : After her mother’s passing, Louise juggles her father’s grief …
Julia Sutton: Χριστουγεννιάτικη Μαγεία στο Καταφύγιο Συγγραφέων
Μετά τον θάνατο της μητέρας της, η νεαρή Λουίζ μένει να φροντίζει τον μελαγχολικό πατέρα της και έναν ιδιόρρυθμο μικρότερο αδελφό. Εργάζεται ακούραστα σε ένα αρτοποιείο, αλλά ονειρεύεται να γίνει επι …
Julia Sutton: The School Of Dreams Collection
All four books in ‘The School of Dreams’, a series of romance novels by Julia Sutton, now available in one volume! The School of Dreams : Five individuals find themselves at a crossroads. Sophie, Jul …
D.S. Williams & Julia Sutton: Hearts Entwined
A collection of three contemporary romance novels by D.S. Williams, Julia Sutton & Lorna Read, now available in one volume! Tokens Of My Confection : Life hasn’t been easy for Cady Caldwell, but ther …
Julia Sutton: Dê Asas ao Amor
Quando Elizabeth Ryan é rebaixada na véspera de Natal, ela se resigna a um futuro sombrio: vender utensílios de cozinha em uma grande loja de departamentos. O Ano Novo parece sombrio, mas um encontro …
Julia Sutton: Coquetéis, Sinos de Casamento e Loucuras de Verão
A certinha Rose adora livros, natação e coral da igreja. Então, quando sua super animada melhor amiga volta para casa após uma viagem de dez anos ao redor do mundo, sua existência segura e confortáve …
Julia Sutton: Escuela de sueños
Sophie es una hermosa ama de casa al borde de la crisis de los cuarenta, infeliz por el estilo de vida de su marido. Juliette, romántica y optimista apasionada, lucha por llegar a fin de mes en una s …
Julia Sutton: The School Of Dreams Collection
All four books in ‘The School of Dreams’, a series of romance novels by Julia Sutton, now available in one volume! The School of Dreams: Five individuals find themselves at a crossroads. Sophie, Juli …
Lorna Read & Julia Sutton: Hearts Entwined
A collection of three contemporary romance novels by D.S. Williams, Julia Sutton & Lorna Read, now available in one volume! Tokens Of My Confection : Life hasn’t been easy for Cady Caldwell, but ther …
Julia Sutton: The Heart’s Journey
A collection of three contemporary romance novels by Julia Sutton, now available in one volume! Christmas Magic At The Writers’ Retreat : After her mother’s passing, Louise juggles her father’s grief …
Julia Sutton: Amor en el foco
Cuando Elizabeth Ryan es degradada en Nochebuena, se resigna a un futuro sombrío: vender utensilios de cocina en unos grandes almacenes. El Año Nuevo parece sombrío, pero un encuentro casual en una n …
Julia Sutton: A Christmas Written In The Stars
Star Sullivan has dreamt of living in London since being a rebellious teenager, but the reality is not as glamorous as she’d anticipated. She is stressed in her position of magazine journalist and he …
Julia Sutton: The Beautiful Ones
Caitlyn Shaw has it all. Surrounded by loving friends and family, she is excited to begin training for her dream job and become a primary school teacher. But after suffering a traumatic event, Caitly …
Julia Sutton: Bring Back Time
Bookworm Amber Stone loves immersing herself in worlds of magic and mystery. Working as a secretary, she is excited to be invited on a team building experience with the rest of the staff. But upon ar …
Julia Sutton: La Scuola dei Sogni
I destini di cinque persone s’intrecciano nella scuola dei loro sogni. Sophie, una casalinga bellissima sull’orlo di una crisi di mezza età, è scontenta del suo errante marito e della sua vita in gen …