Prof. Jürgen W. Simon was head of the Institute of Law at the University of Lüneburg, as well as head of the Research Centre of Biotechnology and Law, of the European Academy of Environment and Economy, and of “Further Education in Management and Law”, all in Lüneburg. After gaining a Law degree and an MBA, both from the University of Munich, he became a Doctor of Law in 1978 and then attained a postdoctoral qualification in Civil Law, Economic Law and Law of Informatics in Hanover in 1988. He was a member of the Advisory Committee of the Federal Biological Association of the Federal Working Group on Xenotransplantation with the Federal Ministry of Research and of the Biological Federal Association, Braunschweig.
3 Ebooks de Jurgen W. Simon
Brigitte E.S. Jansen & Jürgen W. Simon: Economic implications of medical liability claims:
The issue of Medical Liability in Europe has been intensively discussed since a long time, and it needs revision to come to a harmonisation. In June 2008, the Council of Europe’s Public and Private L …
Brigitte E.S. Jansen & Jürgen W. Simon: Les implications économiques des indemnités liées à la responsabilité médicale: système d’assurance et d’indemnisation
La question de |’organisation des fonds des secteurs privé et public pour les actions en responsabilité médicale est très délicate et dépend de la perception et de l’influence des parties prenantes i …
Stefan Muller & Jurgen W. Simon: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Gene Therapy
Current therapies for most human genetic diseases are inadequate. In response to the need for effective treatments, modern molecular genetics is providing tools for an unprecedented new approach to t …