Autor: K. E. K. Vimal

Dr. K. Mathiyazhagan working as Head for research centre & Associate Professor in Operations & Quantitative Methods, Thigarajar School of Management, Madurai – 625015, Tamilnadu, India. Also, he is an associate editor of Environment, Development and Sustainability – Springer with impact factor of 2.1 and editing special issues in International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM), International Journal of Logistics Management (IJLM), Sustainable Production and Consumption (Elsevier), Socio-Economic Planning Science (Elsevier). His publications are in IJPE, IJPR, PPC, IEEE TEM, JCP, RCR, IJAMT etc. Also, he is an editorial member in many reputed journals. One of his paper, awarded as Excellence Citation Award by Emerald Publisher Ltd.  Dr. K. Mathiyazhagan is editing international books on Blockchain & Lean-Green & Society 4.0 in Elseviers, Taylor & Francis, Springer publishers. Also, he is visiting faculty in University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. He is active reviewer of more than thirty reputed international journals and organized two international conferences and workshops. Dr. K. Mathiyazhagan received best reviewer certificate from reputed journals. He supervised more than 10 undergraduate and 3 postgraduate and 3 Ph D scholars. He edited many international conference proceedings in springer publisher. His research interest is green supply chain management; sustainable supply chain management; multi-criteria decision making; third party logistic provider; sustainable lean manufacturing, public distribution system; lean six sigma. He is having more than 10 years research and teaching experience.    Dr. Vimal KEK received the Ph.D. degree in Sustainable Manufacturing in 2016 and the M.Tech degree in Industrial Engineering in 2012 from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India, the Production Engineering degree in 2010, from the PSG college of Technology, India. He has more than 7 years of teaching and research experience in Mechanical Engineering with special emphasis in sustainability and environmental conscious manufacturing. He has also interest in operations, and advanced manufacturing concepts namely: lean and agile manufacturing.  He has worked as Guest Editor of International journals of Enterprise Network Management and Polymer & Polymer Composites. Presently, acts as reviewer for more than 10 prestigious Web of Science journals. In addition, he has also published as author (and co-author) more than 8 book chapters and 30 articles in journals and conferences (10 articles in journals indexed in Web of Science core collection). He is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Patna, India Dr. Harish Kumar is currently working as Assistant Professor in National Institute of Technology Delhi. He has more than 15 years of research and academic experience and served as Scientist at different grade in CSIR – National Physical Laboratory, India. He has been an active researcher in the area of mechanical measurement and metrology. He has worked as Guest Researcher at National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA in 2016. He has been instrumental in the ongoing redefinition of kilogram in India. He has authored more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. He is an active reviewer of many reputed journals related to measurement, metrology and related areas.  Dr. Ramesh Anbanandam is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of Management Studies at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. He received his M.Tech in Industrial Engineering from National Institute of Technology Trichy, India. Later, he completed his Ph D in the area of Supply Chain Management from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India in 2011. His research interests include humanitarian supply chain management, supply chain management, six sigma, data science, smart mobility for sustainability, multi-modal sustainable transportation network, electric vehicle, emission & health issues and data analytics. He has published his research in many reputed national and international journals. He received award under Highly Commended Research Paper from Emerald Publisher for the year 2011 and 2016.  He delivered numerous lectures at several institutions including NIT Trichy, NIT Calicut, IIT Delhi, ITM -DRDO-Masoori, Defence Engineering College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Gedu College of Business, Bhutan. Dr. Vernika Agarwal is currently an assistant professor in Amity International Business School, Amity University, Noida, India. She obtained her Ph.D. from University of Delhi, India in 2019 in Operational Research with major focus on sustainable supply chain management. Her M.Phil and M.Sc degrees are in Operational Research from University of Delhi, in 2014 and 2012, respectively. Her research interests include green supply chain, lean and agile supply chains, reverse logistics, modeling and optimization in sustainable supply chain management, application of multi-criteria decision making in supply chain management. She was the recipient of Best Track Paper in Supply Chain Management Track for the 2015 IEOM Conference.

2 Ebooks de K. E. K. Vimal

Kaliyan Mathiyazhagan & K. E. K. Vimal: Lean and Green Manufacturing
This book provides a stage-by-stage integration of lean and green manufacturing paradigms to achieve environmental and economic benefits. The book includes chapters on conceptual development for inco …
K E K Vimal & Sonu Rajak: Industry 4.0 Technologies: Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chains
This book brings forth the fundamental understanding of the role of Industry 4.0 technologies in sustainable manufacturing supply chain. Readers will get an overview of the challenges, opportunities, …