`It is an easy read, and a really useful resource for all levels of early years staff, focusing on key areas such as social, language and self-esteem skills in young children. It is particularly useful, too, for anyone working in early years education who has no care experience′ –
Sure Start
`there is much to draw on, especially references to the language that practitioners use, the importance of being reflective and conflict being seen as an opportunity for learning. This book… can be a useful reference for practitioners and Level 2/3 tutors to dip into′ – Under 5
`This book will be invaluable for anyone wishing to improve or update their understanding of children′s social and behavioural learning – whether experienced or newly qualified practitioners′ – Early Education
`This book would be a valuable training aid for those who deliver social and behavioural training in the early years′ – Nursery World
Do you need to help the young children in your care improve their social, emotional and behavioural skills? This user-friendly book will offer you suggested strategies and sensible advice, based on what is realistic and achievable in practice.
The book offers guidance on the following:
} social skills
} language skills
} self-esteem
} offering both education and care within the Of STED Framework
} implementing relevant government legislation (Birth to Three Matters, the Foundation Stage Curriculum, the revised SEN Code of Practice, the Disability Discrimination Act)
} delivering training – trainers′ notes and photocopiable resources are included.
Class teachers, nursery managers, playgroup workers, SENCOs, EYDCPs, early years students and every professional working with young children aged from 0 to five years in an education and care context will find this book useful.
Tabla de materias
Working in Educare
Helping Young Children Learn
Dealing with Conflict
Grown-Ups Make a Difference!
Teaching and Learning about Behaviour
A Framework for Developing Effective Strategies
Sobre el autor
Kay Mathieson is Inclusion and SEN Team Manager for an EYDCP (Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership).