Jesus’ promise that ‘the end’ draws near has spawned an expectation of that grand event across various religious groups. This volume examines the abiding social issues that surround the continued presence of apocalyptic anticipation by setting them in historical, present-day, and future manifestations. Approaching this fervent expectation from a broad perspective, Gribben and Newport explore the contemporary movements with insightful analysis that provokes discussion and even self-reflection.
Tabla de materias
1. Millenarianism and the Dynamics of Apocalyptic Time
Richard Landes
2. Millenarianism and Violence in the Contemporary World
John Walliss
3. The Eschatology of Heaven’s Gate
Christopher Partridge
4. Millennialism in Contemporary Israeli Politics
Brenda E. Brasher
5. Millennialism, Ecumenism, and Fundamentalis
Andrew Pierce
6. The Liberal Antichrist–Left Behind in America
Darryl Jones
7. After Left Behind and the Paradox of Evangelical Pessimism
Crawford Gribben
8. The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists and Millennial Expectation, 1959-2004
Kenneth G. C. Newport
9. The Branch Davidians and Religion Reporting
Catherine Wessinger
10. Tensions in Dispensational Eschatology
Mark S. Sweetnam
11. Forty Years of Millenarian Thought in the Charismatic Movement
Stephen J. Hunt
12. Southcottian Sects from 1790 to the Present Day
Gordon Allan
13. The Future of Millennial Expectation
Crawford Gribben
Notes on Contributors
Sobre el autor
Kenneth Newport (Ph.D. Oxford) is Professor of Christian Thought at Liverpool Hope University.
Crawford Gribben (Ph.D. Strathclyde) is Lecturer in Renaissance Literature and Culture at the University of Manchester.