Daniel Njoroge Karanja is Part Time Lecturer in International Relations, at St. Mary»s University. He received his first doctorate in Ministry in 1999 and his second doctorate in Conflict Analysis from Nova Southeastern University in 2015. His research interests include multi-cultural approaches to conflict transformation and restorative justice theories on intra-inter-group conflict, holistic post-conflict reconstruction through mediation and trauma healing. As an inter-disciplinary scholar, his research explores the intersection of religion, conflict and peace. His work has appeared in the Pepperdine University School of Law Journal. He is also the author of several book chapters.He teaches Conflict Transformation, Ethics in International Relations and Mediation.
4 Ebooks de Klaus-Jurgen Nagel
Fonkem Achankeng: Nationalism and Intra-State Conflicts in the Postcolonial World
This book highlights the complexities of nationalism and the struggles of different groups left unaddressed within the nation-states of a postcolonial world. The central question is what happened to …
Klaus-Jürgen Nagel & Stephan Rixen: Catalonia in Spain and Europe
Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen haben in der letzten Zeit auch in Westeuropa die Stabilität mancher Staaten in Frage gestellt. In Schottland entschied sich eine knappe Mehrheit schliesslich dafür, im Verei …
Klaus-Jurgen Nagel & Ferran Requejo: Politics of Religion and Nationalism
There are numerous examples of how religion and nationalism intertwine. In some cases, a common religion is the fundamental marker of a nation’s identity, whereas in others secular nationalism tries …
Klaus-Jurgen Nagel & Ferran Requejo: Politics of Religion and Nationalism
There are numerous examples of how religion and nationalism intertwine. In some cases, a common religion is the fundamental marker of a nation’s identity, whereas in others secular nationalism tries …