Ada Raev ist Professorin für Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Bamberg.
4 Ebooks de Krista Kodres
Krista Kodres & Anu Maend: Images and Objects in Ritual Practices in Medieval and Early Modern Northern and Central Europe
This multidisciplinary collection of essays explores the functions, meanings and use of images and objects in various late Medieval and Early Modern social practices, which were linked by their ritua …
Kristina Jõekalda & Krista Kodres: A Socialist Realist History?
How did the Eastern European and Soviet states write their respective histories of art and architecture during 1940s–1960s? The articles address both the Stalinist period and the Khrushchev Thaw, whe …
Andreas Fülberth: Denkmalschutz – Architekturforschung – Baukultur
Für Estland, Lettland und Litauen verbinden sich mit Denkmalschutz Herausforderungen, aber auch Chancen. Der Band resümiert Denkmalschutz-Geschichte, reflektiert Fragen der Baukultur und liefert Beis …
Antje Kempe & Beata Hock: Universal – International – Global
This collection of articles explores a possible alternative beginning of Global Art History and World Art Studies, two methodologies that set a worldwide focus in the study of art around the 2000s. T …