Much research has focused on the basic cellular and molecular biological aspects of stem cells. Much of this research has been fueled by their potential for use in regenerative medicine applications, which has in turn spurred growing numbers of translational and clinical studies. However, more work is needed if the potential is to be realized for improvement of the lives and well-being of patients with numerous diseases and conditions.
This book series ‘Cell Biology and Translational Medicine (CBTMED)’ as part of Springer Nature’s longstanding and very successful Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series, has the goal to accelerate advances by timely information exchange. Emerging areas of regenerative medicine and translational aspects of stem cells are covered in each volume. Outstanding researchers are recruited to highlight developments and remaining challenges in both the basic research and clinical arenas. This current book is the ninth volume of a continuing series.
Tabla de materias
Data Analysis of Infection Rates Among Exposed Healthcare Workers Could Reveal Effective Prophylactics Against SARS-Co V-2.- Immune Responses to SARS-Co V, MERS-Co V AND SARS-Co V-2.- Normothermic Preservation of Liver – What does the Future Hold?.- Tissues from Post-Mortem Donors as Alternative Sources of Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine.- New Pioneers of Optogenetics in Neuroscience.- A Current Overview of Scaffold-Based Bone Regeneration Strategies with Dental Stem Cells.- The Importance of Stem Cell Senescence in Regenerative Medicine.- Hematological Malignancies and Fertility.- Unraveling polymeric nanoparticles cell uptake pathways: two decades working to understand nanoparticles journey to improve gene therapy.- Cellular Dust as a Novel Hope for Regenerative Cancer Medicine.