Around the world religion is an increasingly vital and pervasive force in both personal and public life. Though this trend has been widely noted, its long-term implications are as yet only dimly perceived. Will this be a force for healing or for violence? To express the question to its most dramatic, yet urgent form: can the world’s major religious traditions respond constructively to contemporary challenges in the public sphere that are now, by definition, global? Religion and Ethics in a Globalizing World seeks to address this question, and to contribute to a greater understanding of the role of religion in the paradoxical context of a world that is increasingly unified, but which remains fundamentally plural.
Tabla de materias
Introduction: Religion: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?; J.A.Camilleri PART I: EMERGING CHALLENGES FOR RELIGIOUS UNDERSTANDING Re-envisioning Conflict, Dialogue and Transformation: The Imperative for a New Methodological Paradigm; R.Palapathwala & A.Wicking Surmounting the Wall: Religion and Conflict; G.Maddox Virtues in a Globalised Context; N.Ormerod People of the Book: Reconciling Religious Fundamentals with Universal Human Rights; M.Kirby Holding Hands and Bearing Arms: Global Challenges for Global Religious Communities; M.Kitchen PART II: IMPLICATIONS FOR MULTI-FAITH DIALOGUE – ASSESSMENT AND CRITIQUE Relationship Building in the Middle-East Among Adversaries; D.Abramovich Bejewelled Dialogue: Illuminating Cultural Conflicts in the Twenty-First Century; C.Satha-Anand Christian Ecumenism, Other Faiths, and the ‘Peace of the World’; P.Carnley PART III: TOWARD A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF ISLAM The Search for Communities of Peace: An International Reflection on Christian–Muslim Relations; J.Haire How Muslims View the Scriptures of the People of the Book: Towards a Reassessment?; A.Saeed Broken Covenants and Broken Relationships: Guidelines for Cooperation in a World in Transition; I.R.Fry Conclusion: Inter-Faith Interaction: Contradictions and Conflicts; C.Muzaffar
Sobre el autor
LUCA ANCESCHI Research Fellow at La Trobe University, Australia.
JOSEPH CAMILLERI Professor at La Trobe University, Australia.
RUWAN PALAPATHWALA Director of the Centre for Social Inquiry Religion & Interfaith Dialogue at Melbourne College of Divinity, Australia.
ANDREW WICKING Ph D candidate at Melbourne College of Divinity, Australia.