Just as South Bay High’s Jayd Jackson is feeling good that her two main social circles have finally come together, drama takes over once more, and the usual suspects are involved. . .
These days, family and relationship drama is the name of the game in Jayd’s life–from her fighting uncles on the home front to her friend Mickey’s possible pregnancy–aka her ‘maybe baby’–to a vengeful plan being plotted by Misty, Jayd’s nemesis, over a highly personal problem. In fact, Jayd may have to do some plotting of her own to keep her crew safe from Misty’s drama. Meanwhile, Rah is trying to get closer to Jayd, but she won’t be his rebound girl. Everything comes to a head when Jayd’s ex, Jeremy, asks to play basketball with Rah and the others and is told that a white boy can’t ball. Jeremy proves them wrong, but will that be enough for them to let him on the team for an important game? Or will ego and stereotyping win? It’s almost more than Jayd can take–until her Mama reminds her of her powerful lineage. Now it’s time for Jayd to catch up on her spirit work, and confront some powerful emotions of her own. . .
Sobre el autor
L. Divine is an educator and the acclaimed author of The Keke Mc Coy Mysteries and the YA series, Drama High. She is a Faucet Book Award-winner whose novels have been praised by Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Essence, Ebony, and more. A former teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District, she has as Master’s from UCLA in African American Studies and Educational Psychology and served as a visiting scholar at UCLA’s Center for the Study of Women. She currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her daughter and son.