Breathing life into a Milton for the Twenty-first century, this cutting-edge collection shows students and scholars alike how Milton transforms and is transformed by popular literature and polemics, film and television, and other modern media.
Tabla de materias
Acknowledgments List of Illustrations Introduction; L.L.Knoppers & G.M.Colón Semenza PART 1: MILTON IN FANTASY LITERATURE Figuring Milton in C. S. Lewis’s Fiction; S.Schwartz Steven Brust’s To Reign in Hell : The Real Story; D.T.Benet Fighting Since Time Began: Milton and Satan in Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials ; S.Burt His Dark Materials , Paradise Lost , and the Common Reader; L.Shohet Adapting Milton for Children: Margaret Hodges’ Comus (1996) and the Tale of Childe Rowland ; G.M.Colón Semenza PART II: MILTON IN HORROR FILM Popularizing Pandaemonium : Milton and the Horror Film; E.Brown Miltonic Loneliness and Monstrous Desire from Paradise Lost to Bride of Frankenstein ; L.L.Knoppers ‘Better to Reign in Hell…Is that it?’: Ethics, Apocalypticism, and Allusion in The Devil’s Advocate ; R.Netzley PART III: MILTON IN COMEDIC FILM You Seemed to Go Way Back: The Evolution of Adam in The Lady Eve ; L.Sternlieb Sabrina Fair Goes to the Movies: Milton, Myth, and Romance; C.G.Martin Sabrina . . . or, the Lady?: Gender, Class, and The Spectre of Milton in Sabrina (1995); J.Kim National Lampoon’s Animal House and the Fraternity of Milton; D.Howard PART IV: MILTON AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Milton after 9/11; D.Boocker The Blind Leading the Blind and Sighted: John Milton and Helen Keller; A.Duran Malcolm X and African-American Appropriations of Milton; R.Wilburn PART V: MILTON IN MODERN TECHNOLOGIES The Environment, the Body, and the Digital Fallen Angel in Simon Biggs’s Pandaemonium ; B.Lessard Milton and The Web; T.Luxon Afterword; S.Fish
Sobre el autor
LAURA LUNGER KNOPPERS is Professor of English at the Pennsylvania State University, USA.
GREGORY M. COLÓN SEMENZA is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Connecticut, USA.