In an age when ‘collisions of faith’ among the Abrahamic traditions continue to produce strife and violence that threatens the well-being of individuals and communities worldwide, the contributors to Encountering the Stranger–six Jewish, six Christian, and six Muslim scholars–takes responsibility to examine their traditions’ understandings of the stranger, the ‘other, ‘ and to identify ways that can bridge divisions and create greater harmony.
Tabla de materias
Prologue: Trialogue Is the Way
Leonard Grob and John K. Roth
i. In The Shadow of the Holocaust: Safeguarding the Stranger
1 ‘You Shall Not Murder’: A Foundation for Trialogue?
John K. Roth
2 Whom May I Kill?
Zayn Kassam
3’Where Is Your Brother?’: Jewish Teachings on the ‘Stranger’
David Patterson
4?Canopies of Hospitality: Post-Shoah Christian Faith and Making Room for Others?
Henry F. Knight
5 The Place of Non-Muslims in the Islamic Concept of the ‘Other’: The Need for Rethinking Islamic Tradition in the Pursuit
of Religious Pluralism
Bassam Tibi
6 The Jewish Roots of Emmanuel Levinas’s
Metaphysics of Welcome
Leonard Grob
ii. The ‘Other’ in the Scripture and Tradition: Valuing the Stranger
7 Encountering the Stranger in Classic Rabbinic Judaism
Peter J. Haas
8 Encountering the Stranger: Aspects of Medieval Christianity
Margaret Brearley
9Noah and Others: Pluralism in Ancient and Modern Judaism
Rochelle L. Millen
10Normative Islamic (Qur’anic) Teachings on Pluralism: Reflections on ‘The People of the Book’
Riffat Hassan
11 Reflexivity and Tawallî between Jews, Christians, and Muslims
Bülent Senay
12 Encountering the Other: Enemy or Stranger?
Hubert G. Locke
iii. The Hospitality of Pluralism: Welcoming the Stranger
13 Ora
Henry Greenspan
14Bearers of the Rings: Reflections on Christian Spirituality and the Theology of Religions
Britta Frede-Wenger
15 Litarafoo: The Dialogical Method
Sana Tayyen
16 Loving the Stranger: Intimacy between Jews and Non-Jews
Rachel N. Baum
17 When Certainty Becomes Immaterial
Khaleel Mohammed
18 Interreligious Dialogue beyond Absolutism, Relativism, and
Particularism: A Catholic Approach to Religious Diversity
Didier Pollefeyt
Epilogue: What Should Be Remembered?
Leonard Grob and John K. Roth
Selected Bibliography
Editors and Contributors
Sobre el autor
Edward J. Sexton Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Founding Director of the Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (now the Mgrublian Center for Human Rights), Claremont Mc Kenna College. Roth has published hundreds of articles and reviews and authored, co-authored, or edited more than fifty books, including The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies (Oxford University Press, 2010), Encountering the Stranger: A Jewish-Christian-Muslim Trialogue (University of Washington Press, 2012), Rape: Weapon of War and Genocide (Paragon House, 2012), and The Failures of Ethics: Confronting the Holocaust, Genocide, and Other Mass Atrocities (Oxford University Press, 2015). He is a co-editor of our Stephen S. Weinstein Series in Post-Holocaust Studies