This volume contains the Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2003). The workshop was held at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, California, on April 22-23, 2003. Informationprocessinginsensornetworksisaninterdisciplinaryresearcharea with deep connections to signal processing, networking and protocols, databases and information management, as well as distributed algorithms. Because of – vances in MEMS micros...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2003). The workshop was held at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, California, on April 22-23, 2003. Informationprocessinginsensornetworksisaninterdisciplinaryresearcharea with deep connections to signal processing, networking and protocols, databases and information management, as well as distributed algorithms. Because of – vances in MEMS microsensors, wireless networking, and embedded processing, ad hoc networks of sensors are becoming increasingly available for commercial andmilitaryapplicationssuchasenvironmentalmonitoring(e.g., tra?c, habitat, security), industrial sensing and diagnostics (e.g., factories, appliances), inf- structure maintenance (e.g., power grids, water distribution, waste disposal), and battle?eld awareness (e.g., multitarget tracking). From the engineering and computing point of view, sensor networks have become a rich source of problems in communication protocols, sensor tasking and control, sensor fusion, distributed databases and algorithms, probabilistic reasoning, system/software architecture, design methodologies, and evaluation metrics. This workshop took a systemic approach to address crosslayer issues, from the physical sensor layer to the sensor signal processing and networking levels and then all the way to the applications. Following the successful 1st Workshop on Collaborative Signal and Inf- mation Processing in Sensor Networks at PARC in 2001, this new workshop brought together researchers from academia, industry, and government to p- sent and discuss recent work concerning various aspects of sensor networks such as information organization, querying, routing, and self-organization, with anemphasis on the high-level information processing tasks that these networks are designed to perform.