- Provides a detailed overview of the current challenges facing sheep production, including changing consumer and societal attitudes to sheep products
- Considers how sheep production can improve its sustainability through the implementation of key practices, such as the use of genetic improvements to reduce GHG emissions
- Reviews the recent advances in sheep breeding and genetic selection, as well as how it can be optimised to improve fertility and reproductive performance in sheep
Tabla de materias
Part 1 Challenges facing sheep production
- 1.Understanding consumer and societal attitudes to sheep production: Raffaele Zanoli, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Italy;
- 2.Sustainability issues affecting sheep production: Hollie Riddell, Bangor University, UK;
- 3.One Health issues affecting sheep production: Neil Sargison, University of Edinburgh, UK;
Part 2 Improving breeding and reproduction
- 4.Advances in understanding the genetics of production and non-production traits in sheep: Samir Id-Lahoucine, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), UK;
- 5.Improving ewe management for lifetime production: Nerys Wright, AHDB, UK;
- 6.Advances in improving lamb survival and health: Cathy Dwyer, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), UK;
Part 3 Improving flock health and welfare management
- 7.Improving disease surveillance in sheep flocks: Rudolf Reichel, Animal and Plant Health Agency, UK;
- 8.Changing priorities and practices in the management of nematode gastrointestinal parasites in small ruminants: Eric Morgan, Queen’s University Belfast, UK;
- 9.The use of precision livestock technologies in managing sheep health and welfare: Claire Morgan-Davies, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), UK;
Part 4 Managing grazing systems and nutrition
- 10.Advances in sustainable sheep pasture and grazing management: David Barker, Ohio State University, USA;
- 11.Improving pasture/grassland for optimised sheep nutrition and health: Liz Genever, Consultant, UK;
- 12.Developments in feed supplements for improved sheep nutrition and health: Alison Bond, Rumenco, UK;
- 13.Advances in understanding and optimising gastrointestinal function in sheep: Zhongtang Yu, The Ohio State University, USA;
Part 5 Improving sustainability and product sustainability
- 14.The use of sheep in mixed farming systems for improved sustainability: Jude Capper, Harper Adams University and Livestock Sustainability Consultant, UK;
- 15.Advances in understanding and optimising sheep meat eating quality and nutritional value: Nichola Schreurs, Massey University, New Zealand;
- 16.Advances in understanding and optimising sheep wool quality: Ningtao Mao, University of Leeds, UK;
Sobre el autor
Dr Cathy Dwyer is Professor of Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare at SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College) and has a joint appointment with the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh where she is the Director of the Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education (JMICAWE) since 2016. In 2019 she was also appointed by Scottish Government to Chair the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission which provides independent scientific advice on animal welfare to Ministers. Professor Dwyer has published more than 150 papers and book chapters on animal behaviour, welfare and early life development and sits on the scientific advisory committees for Dog’s Trust, the Horse Trust, British Veterinary Association Animal Welfare Foundation and University of Vienna Veterinary School.