Linda Wong has been an educator and writer ever since she graduated from the University of Oregon in the 1970s
with a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Linda enjoys the creative, magical process of writing curriculum and classroom materials, textbooks, and children’s books. Linda is retired from teaching, but never from writing! She is inspired to shift her creativity to educationally-inspired books that delight young children, beginning readers, and adults who engage children in the lifelong joy of reading and learning. Visit www.Tell Me-Tell Me for more information about Linda, for teaching ideas, and to learn about her Tell Me-Tell Me More Activity book. Order the children’s book and the activity book at www.3GPublishing
Sobre el autor
Linda Wong has been an educator and writer ever since
she graduated from the University of Oregon in the 1970s
with a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Linda
enjoys the creative, magical process of writing curriculum
and classroom materials, textbooks, and children’s books.
Linda is retired from teaching, but never from writing! She is
inspired to shift her creativity to educationally-inspired books
that delight young children, beginning readers, and adults
who engage children in the lifelong joy of reading and learning.
Visit www.Tell Me-Tell Me for more information about
Linda, for teaching ideas, and to learn about her Tell Me-Tell Me More Activity book.
Order the children’s book and the activity book at www.3GPublishing