* Written especially for advanced beginners and intermediateusers, this book offers quick fixes for anyone bedeviled by faultyformulas, failed formatting, printer purgatory, and otherperplexing Excel problems* Offers three types of fixes: Escape in Under 30 Seconds, Escapein Under Two Minutes, and More Elaborate Escapes-over 400 solutionsin all* Topics covered include formula fixes, formatting fixes, dataand layout fixes for Excel charts, Pivot Table fixes, managingcomplexity in very large spreadsheets, fixing broken procedurefunctions, and more* Includes preventive measures and best practices that teachusers how to avoid problems in the future Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of e Book file.
Tabla de materias
Preface.Acknowledgments.Introduction.Part I: Escape in Under 30 Seconds.Chapter 1: Spreadsheet Basics.Chapter 2: A Few Good Functions.Chapter 3: Easy Formatting Fixes.Part II: Escape in Under Two Minutes.Chapter 4: Getting Excel to Behave.Chapter 5: Getting Correct Results with Excel Formulas.Chapter 6: Charts and Data Visualization.Part III: More Elaborate Escapes.Chapter 7: Common Issues with Excel Components.Chapter 8: Involved Data Analysis.Chapter 9: Very Large Spreadsheets.Chapter 10: Other Challenging Topics.Appendix A: Miscellaneous Solved Problems.Appendix B: Installing the Escape Excel Hell Utility Pak.Appendix C: Escape From Excel Hell Techniques and Hip Pocket Tips.Appendix D: About the CD.Index.End-User License Agreement.
Sobre el autor
Loren Abdulezer is CEO and President of Evolving Technologies Corporation, a New York-based technologyconsulting firm. He is an experienced IT professional serving major Fortune 500 companies, including Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, IBM, Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer. He has consultedon strategic technology and Internet product design, data analysis, mathematical modeling, visual modeling, and simulation, MIS/Webreporting, Java and object-oriented programming, Internet security, and business continuity planning.Loren is a world acknowledged expert on spreadsheets, visualmodeling, and dashboard technology. He is the author of Excel Best Practices for Business (www.Excel Best Practices.com), alsopublished by Wiley, and is a Crystal Xcelsius Consulting Partnerfor Business Objects S.A. (www.Xcelsius Best Practices.com). You canfind out more information about Loren and the book Escape From Excel Hell at www.Escape From Excel Hell.com.