Managing your personal finances is increasingly complicated and stressful. The cost of living keeps rising, and so do personal debt loads. Financial freedom may seem like it’s out of reach-especially long before the magical retirement age of 65-but it doesn’t have to be.
Lorna Stuber outlines the strategies and tricks she has used for more than 30 years to become debt-free and to make money management a rewarding challenge. She supplements these tips with personal anecdotes and examples, including how to maximize a Las Vegas jackpot win! The first challenge is to change your mindset and think of money management as a competition with yourself-a game of sorts. Then, by creating small goals and working towards them, you can relieve stress while paying down debt and building your savings one drop in the bucket at a time.
This book presents tips for the average person with limited money management knowledge. Readers will learn about paying down debt, being scrupulous with spending, saving for big expenses and retirement, and making the most of investments and tax credits.
Financial freedom requires sacrifice, but with the right approach, the sacrifice can be rewarding.
Sobre el autor
Lorna Stuber has a Bachelor of Education degree with a double major in English Language Arts and Social Studies Education (University of Lethbridge), a Diploma in Education specializing in ESL Curriculum and Instruction (University of Calgary), and an Editing Certificate (Simon Fraser University). She spent her twenties teaching ESL in Fujisawa, Japan and Calgary, Canada; and her thirties and forties teaching online high school English, Social Studies, Foods and Nutrition, and Aboriginal Studies courses for the Calgary Board of Education. After resigning from her teaching position, she began freelance editing, writing, and ghostwriting.Lorna spends most of her money on plane tickets and accommodation in cool and often obscure travel destinations. When she is not helping others fine-tune their writing, she is snowshoeing, volunteering for local theatre, working on her own writing, and fulfilling her duties as a self-appointed ‘bad-influence auntie’ to her friends’ kids. She is the owner of Lorna Stuber-Editor, Proofreader, Writer.Lorna currently lives in Okotoks, Canada, with her dust elephants and her kitchen view of the Rocky Mountains.Website: Facebook: Linked In: