Spend this holiday in the company of Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy, relive their ups and downs, their small everyday battles, glorious victories or disasters, their temptations and realizations. Be comforted and wisely advised by Marmee …or Aunt March. Enjoy the magical days of childhood, the young dreams and rude awakenings of our four sisters for the first time or once more in this edition of the complete Little Women series.
The first part of this iconic book series – ‘Little Women’ is a semi-autobiographical account of Louisa May Alcott’s childhood with her sisters in Concord, Massachusetts. The novel tells the story of four teenaged sisters and their mother, Marmee. The family lives in a new neighborhood in Massachusetts in genteel poverty. Having lost all his money, their father is acting as a pastor, miles from home, involved in the American Civil War. The women face their first Christmas without him. Meg and Jo March, the elder two, have to work in order to support the family: Meg teaches a nearby family of four children; Jo assists her aged great-aunt March, a wealthy widow living in a mansion, Plumfield. Beth, too timid for school, is content to stay at home and help with housework; Amy is still at school. Meg is beautiful and traditional, Jo is a tomboy who writes; Beth is a peacemaker and a pianist; Amy is an artist who longs for elegance and fine society. Jo is impulsive and quick to anger. One of her challenges is trying to control her anger, a challenge that her mother experiences…
Part two also known as ‘Good Wives’, followed the March sisters into adulthood and their respective marriages. ‘Little Men’ detailed Jo’s life at the Plumfield School that she founded with her husband Professor Bhaer at the conclusion of Part Two of Little Women. And J’o’s Boys’ completed the ‘March Family Saga’. Alcott made women’s rights integral to her stories, and her fiction became her ‘most important feminist contribution’ — even considering all the efforts Alcott made to help facilitate women’s rights during her lifetime.
Sobre el autor
Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American novelist, short story writer and poet best known as the author of the novel Little Women (1868) and its sequels Little Men (1871) and Jo’s Boys (1886). Raised in New England by her transcendentalist parents, she grew up among many of the well-known intellectuals of the day, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry David Thoreau, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Alcott’s family suffered from financial difficulties, and while she worked to help support the family from an early age, she also sought an outlet in writing. She began to receive critical success for her writing in the 1860s. Early in her career, she sometimes used the pen name A. M. Barnard, under which she wrote novels for young adults that focused on spies and revenge.