Luo Guanzhong (c. 1330–c. 1400) foi um renomado escritor chinês, amplamente reconhecido como um dos maiores romancistas da literatura clássica chinesa. Nascido durante a dinastia Yuan, Luo é mais conhecido por suas contribuições ao gênero histórico e ficcional, sendo o autor do célebre Romance dos Três Reinos (Sān Guó Yǎn Yì), uma das quatro grandes obras-primas da literatura chinesa. Seu trabalho desempenhou um papel central na formação da narrativa histórica e no fortalecimento da identidade cultural da China.
Pouco se sabe sobre a vida de Luo Guanzhong, mas acredita-se que ele tenha nascido em Taizhou, na atual província de Jiangsu, em uma época de intensas transformações sociais e políticas na China. Ele viveu durante a transição entre as dinastias Yuan e Ming, um período marcado por instabilidade e conflitos, o que influenciou profundamente seu trabalho literário. Luo possuía um vasto conhecimento de história chinesa, algo evidente em suas narrativas detalhadas e personagens complexos. Ele também era versado em poesia e dramaturgia, o que contribuiu para seu estilo vívido e dramático.
O legado de Luo Guanzhong é imensurável. O Romance dos Três Reinos não é apenas uma obra literária, mas também uma janela para a cultura e os valores tradicionais chineses. A narrativa influenciou não apenas a literatura, mas também o teatro, o cinema, e até mesmo jogos de estratégia, alcançando uma popularidade que transcende fronteiras e gerações.
18 Ebooks de Luo Guanzhong
Luo Guanzhong: Three Kingdoms, Volume 1: The Sacred Oath
This exciting new translation of the Chinese classic is designed to delight modern readers. The Three Kingdoms is an epic Chinese novel written over six centuries ago. It recounts in vivid historical …
Luo Guanzhong: Three Kingdoms, Volume 3: Welcome The Tiger
This exciting new translation of the Chinese classic is designed to delight modern readers. The Three Kingdoms is an epic Chinese novel written over six centuries ago. It recounts in vivid historical …
Luo Guanzhong: The Romance of Three Kingdoms
Romance of Three Kingdoms, dating to the 14th Century, is the legendary epic of the fall of Han and the founding of Jin. Dealing with plots, complex men, wars, intrigues, marriages and assassinations …
Luo Guanzhong & Feng Menglong: The Sorcerer’s Revolt
Luo Guanzhong's fictionalized account of the Beizhou rebellion, led by Wang Ze. This forbidden classic, unable in China for decades, was "completed" by Feng Menglong, who added other de …
Luo Guanzhong: 三国演义
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is based upon events in the turbulent years near the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms era, starting in A.D. 168 and ending with the reunification of the lan …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, attributed to Luo Guanzhong, is a historical novel set in the turbulent years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history, start …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms Volume 1 of 3
Paphos Publishers offers a wide catalog of rare classic titles, published for a new generation. Romance of the Three Kingdoms Volume 1 of 3 is the first part of the famous Chinese classic. …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Traditional Chinese)
On the basis of preserving the essence, the original work is rewritten into 40 stories in plain and simple language, basically covering the main contents of the original.Romance of the Three Kingdoms …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Simplified Chinese)
On the basis of preserving the essence, the original work is rewritten into 40 stories in plain and simple language, basically covering the main contents of the original.Romance of the Three Kingdoms …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
A new translation and abridgement of one of the four classical Chinese novels – an epic story of warring factions in the era of China’s Han dynasty Part historical and part legend, The Romance of the …
Luo Guanzhong: Three Kingdoms, Volume 2: The Sleeping Dragon
This exciting new translation of the Chinese classic is designed to delight modern readers. The Three Kingdoms is an epic Chinese novel written over six centuries ago. It recounts in vivid historical …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Written sometime in the fourteenth-century, “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” by the famed Chinese writer and playwright Luo Guanzhong, is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature a …
Luo Guanzhong: Accessible Reading Edition of China’s Four Great Classic Novels
Romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four classical masterpieces in China. It is the first long chapter historical novel in China. Its full name is The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms (a …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Color Version)
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is China»s first full-length novel. It is extremely rich in content, describing the major historical events that occurred in the last hundred years from the end of …
Luo Guanzhong: Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong Illustrated
One of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, the historical novel ‘Romance of the Three Kingdoms’ is attributed to Luo Guanzhong, a fourteenth century playwright. The narrative is se …
[明]罗贯中,冯梦龙: 平妖传 《天书奇谭》原著
内容简介: 九天玄女之徒白猿盗取的天书’如意册’千年之后再现人间,各路神仙妖魔,诸虫百兽万般妖术法术齐上阵,为夺天书!狐母圣姑姑、从蛋中出生的蛋子和尚、还有狐仙转世的胡永儿等人修道作法,滋扰人心,在人间作乱造反,文彦博得’三遂’之称的得道高人之力加以镇压,这场大逆不道的叛乱也遭到了上天的谴责!九天玄女与众神现世助力,一场动乱终以失败告终,天书归位,而白猿也被玉帝恢复了白云洞君的称号。 作者简介: …
Luo Guanzhong: O Romance dos Três Reinos
Romance dos Três Reinos é uma profunda exploração de lealdade, ambição e do delicado equilíbrio de poder durante um período tumultuado da história chinesa. Luo Guanzhong aborda as complexas relações …
Luó Guànzhong: History of the Three Kingdoms
History of the Three Kingdoms is a monumental work that delves into themes of loyalty, ambition, and the intricate dynamics of human relationships against the backdrop of war and political strife. Lu …