Autor: Malcolm John Underwood

Ion C. Țintoiu , MD, Ph D, FESC Malcolm John Underwood, MB Ch B, FRCS (Ed), MD, FRCS (Cth), FCSHK Stephane Pierre Cook, MD Hironori Kitabata, MD Aamer Abbas, MD, FACC

3 Ebooks de Malcolm John Underwood

Ion C. Ţintoiu & Malcolm John Underwood: Coronary Graft Failure
Coronary artery bypass surgery has been developed since 1960s to overcome proximal coronary artery disease. Worldwide, the number of patients that are undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery is ste …
Silviu Ionel Dumitrescu & Ion C. Ţintoiu: Right Heart Pathology
This book reviews the management of right heart diseases, incorporating etiology, physiopathology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The frequency of this pathology has increased in recent ye …
Ionel Droc & John A. Elefteriades: New Approaches to Aortic Diseases from Valve to Abdominal Bifurcation
New Approaches to Aortic Disease from Valve to Abdominal Bifurcation provides a complete look at aortic valve diseases from all points of view, including etiology, physiopathology, prevention, diagno …